
I am Hers, She is Mine

Carpathius-Fatalis Wedding - Invitees only



3 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - Gay (MLM)Samhain 2022All Oozed OutOoze ImmuneThe Ooze ParticipantMammoth Hunter
05-16-2022, 04:30 PM


Life was a bit of a whirlwind for Malachai, he'd not even really gotten a chance to try and settle himself in a new stage of his life before they'd had to set off for a wedding. Malachai hadn't even really been to his own cousin's wedding but he certainly wasn't about to let Grimshaw go all the way back to the Hallows without him, he wasn't going to make that same mistake again. Of course, it had been deeply complicated by, well, everything. Grimshaw's fur was falling out in a way Malachai had never seen before, growing back in quickly in patchy colors but it certainly wasn't a stressor for both of them, though it was probably a little more stressful for Grim than him. No the majority of Malachai's focus was on the groom-to-be...

Malachai kept himself very near to Grim the entire trip, giving the man enough space to move and walk comfortably but the desire to protect what was his was very strong. Malachai had never felt this way about another wolf before, he was overall someone who cared little about the personal choices of others, he wasn't concerned with who anyone slept with, on average, but there was something about it being Grimshaw that just- Got under his skin. The fact it had happened during their time apart made it sting all the more, had he done that? Had he chased Grimshaw into the arms of another man? Malachai had been struck rather suddenly by just how inexperienced he was, he might not have had to learn his sexuality the way that Grim had but he hadn't really had many chances to really... Explore it either. What if Artorias was better than him? Every chance he got Malachai would sneak in a peck, or a friendly jostle, partially to soothe himself and partially to remind everyone that he was here with Grimshaw... But it was especially to remind himself of that.

They arrived to Auster and before joining the rest of the guests Grim pulled him aside and Chai could hardly keep himself back from scooping Grim into a big embrace and just not letting go, but he did pull the man closer for their kiss. "I love you." He growled under his breath, just loud enough for only Grim to hear it. Then he put on his best neutral face... It was going to be the best Grim's family got. Malachai wasn't a fake smiles kind of wolf... The best he could offer was to not glower at everyone. They joined the gathering and Malachai let Grimshaw take the lead, he would settle towards the back and Malachai would sit down on his unoccupied side, taking note of the small brown girl he chose to sit beside, he lightly inclined his head towards her when Grim introduced him, expecting he would learn who she was soon enough if it mattered.

Mismatched gaze roved over the gathering, finally landing on him. Malachai stiffened slightly as it dawned on him who the blue man at the front was, without him even realizing Malachai's more neutral expression shifted, growing darker. He was, without realizing it, glaring directly at the groom, one of the stars of the whole shebang. Malachai shifted, pushing himself closer into Grimshaw, winding the foreleg closest to Grim around Grim's foreleg closest to him, and planted a kiss on the man's cheek, casting another glower in Artorias' direction. He wasn't going to cause a scene, Malachai certainly wasn't about to attack anyone but he couldn't help the way his chest tightened uncomfortably nor the way it made him respond, his possessiveness on clear display.

every second i'm without you i'm a mess

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Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.