
Don't Live By The Old Laws




5 Years

Trick 2019
05-17-2022, 08:14 AM (This post was last modified: 05-17-2022, 10:19 AM by Venom. Edited 2 times in total.)
He was quiet and unobtrusive for the most part, and it didn’t seem like the woman knew he was there until he greeted her. He didn’t scare her or anything, but his quietness coupled with her lost inner thoughts, he could have. Silvery eyes watched her as she glanced his way, and instead of returning his greeting she offered a swig from the bottle at her paws. Erys wasn’t so sure he wanted to drink, but it was a kind gesture. They could start by enjoying a bit of wine together.

Erys went to rearrange, shifting slightly so he was next to her by the firepit instead of on the opposite side. As she offered him the bottle the pearlescent man accepting, bringing the bottle to his lips so he could enjoy a swig. He wasn’t much of a drinker, he’d had his experience with drugs and alcohol while a slave and he couldn’t say he enjoyed any of it. Probably because he had always been dosed against his will, he couldn’t have refused then if he tried. Now that he had his freedom, Erys tentatively took the wine.

"Yes, and you’re Reila?” He asked with a tilt of his head as he gave the woman her bottle back. He had an idea of what Chimera wanted to see between them but just jumping into bed wasn’t really how Erys wanted to pursue his relationships. Azzurra was a special case, she needed the physical touch and affection so he had given in to her. And he didn’t and wouldn’t regret that time together. As Reila spoke though there was a hint of suggestion. Erys couldn’t deny her beauty, but he wasn’t the kind to just have sex. He wanted a connection and he wouldn’t ever force himself on anyone.

How much did Chimera want to see happen between the two of them? He’d mentioned sexual healing, could he really help Reila like that better than Chimera himself could? "I'm sorry for that,” he answered her softly as the alcohol filled and warmed his belly. "My life changed completely when Chimera brought me here. It's hard to think about everything I endured before Fenmyre.” He continued, revealing a bit about himself.

"Erystotle Atlas"