
Floating Land



2 Years

05-17-2022, 03:46 PM
Unbreakable Survivor

Day had transformed to night, the moon rising as a small crescent as if some higher being had taken a large bite out of the celestial body. Though the moon was only a sliver of what it could be, those small dots surrounding it were enough to light the way. The stars shining above were like a guide for the young she-wolf who wandered below them. Turquoise gaze watched their twinkling light, observing them and their position in the darkness above. As the youth searched the stars, she spotted what she was looking for, the star that always pointed north, usually to the colder places. Shadowed crown bobbed as she attempted to further identify her location. However, the young stargazer didn’t honestly know where she was. How could she know the names of places or packs when she was abandoned and left to survive on her own?

The old fear of being lost rose it’s ugly head, and the striped girl couldn’t help but whimper. Triangular auds pulled back upon her earthen skull, brows furrowing as the youth struggled with her resurfacing fear. ‘Get a hold of yourself’ she thought, ‘You’re not lost… Well, not completely.’ Her mind buzzed as she tried to shake the growing fear. "Follow the stars.” a whisper spilled gently from her dark lips. Pale chest swelled with air, as the girl took a deep breath. It left her sharply sculpted maw in a heavy rush, the warmth of her breath puffing out in silvery mist. Her fear slowly ebbed away. Shoulders releasing a tension the youth had failed to recognize in the moment. The girls slender figure released the lingering tension by a simple shake off.

Long limbs carried the tall youth as the chilled night air brushed against her thickening winter coat. The seasons had been showing their signs of change, though this was the first time the yearling had seen the transformation from blazing reds, oranges and gold, to chilling white. It was intriguing to see the seasons change. Now it was winter, and the youth had surprised herself with how well she had done to keep herself alive. After all, she had no parents, no siblings, no pack, to help her in her endeavor. As these thoughts circled in the back of her mind, that vivid gaze continued to glance at the stars as she checked on her current moving direction. She was traveling southeast and had to double check the direction of that north pointing star every so often to be sure.

The sounds of a shoreline reached the girl's senses, followed by the scent of moist salty air. It made the she-wolf pause, not knowing what the ocean or even a sea was. She had never been to the end of land before. Her curiosity perked, and the child continued in her southeastern direction. As the scent of the salty air became stronger, the young she-wolf knew she was getting close. What the striped girl saw next was a land made of sand and a large body of water which sent waves crashing upon the sand. Slender limbs carried her towards the shifting water that pulled away from the land. The water was cold as it curled around her paws, only momentarily pulling her attention.

Turquoise optics shifted their gaze across the water, spotting dark shapes within it. Large shadows she knew for certain were not living creatures. Were they earth floating in the expansive water? She needed to find out. The youth’s attention shifted towards what looked to be a piece of land nearby that stretched out into the sea from the mainland. Once again vivid optics turned toward the stars, gauging the direction in which she needed to go. According to them, the land mass was in a more southern direction. The girl continued along the shoreline heading southward, the waves roaring as they crashed upon the sand. Eventually the slender youth reached the spot she was aiming for, only to find an outlet blocking her way. Lips pulled downward as she contemplated her next move. Swimming was an option, however the wandering child wasn’t sure of the current, how strong it was as the flowing water passed by like an black snake. The moon told of low tides, and indeed with a closer look the shadowed faced youth noticed the flowage was at a lower level.

After considering for a while more, paws slid into the outlet’s moving water. The chill wasn’t as bad as she thought, and was actually surprisingly warm. Maybe this area was more tropical than the more northern areas. It would make sense considering how far south this place was. Paws pulled the youth through the water, the current carrying her a bit off course, yet not beyond the point of recognition. Eventually the striped youth made it across the outlet, the swim bringing her a bit of exhaustion, tongue lolling out of her parted maw. A few moments were spent getting her bearings, the stars her guide. Well, step one had been accomplished. Though she was still on the mainland, she was closer to the land floating in the sea. Now the youth had to figure out how to get to the land separated by sand and more water.

First things first, the curious young she-wolf had to reach the other side of this bit of land. Limbs carried the child with an excited trot as she moved across the sand. It only took her a small while to cross the strip of land she found herself on. Once the tall youth reached the other side, she noticed that the land was further away than she had anticipated. The only way she knew to cross was to swim. After all, she didn’t want to wander too long in search of what probably was a pointless search for an easier route. However, unknown to the youth was a land bridge a few miles off.

After once again judging the water’s current and estimating the distance to the smaller of the floating lands, the child began the swim. She paddled and paddled, the land mass growing slowly closer, the exhaustion in her limbs growing the further she went. ‘Just how far away is this chunk of rock anyway?’ came her thoughts about halfway from her goal. The youth had never swam as far as this before and her exhaustion was truly gripping her now. The crescent had risen fully into the starlit sky, the sliver offering what little light it could. After floating for a bit to regain some of her strength the stubborn, or perhaps determined, child continued onward, completing the remaining distance. Paws practically dragged the child up onto the shore, exhaustion gripping her in its vice-like grip. She had even used the waves to ride the rest of the way to shore. Once she was out of the salty water she fell to her stomach, limbs giving out. She had made it, but now the youth was too tired to explore the area. Her senses were so clogged with the scent of the salty air she also failed to pick up the borders she had unknowingly crossed.

OOC || Using this as the Navagation Seasonal Skill Bonus. 1,196 Words (required 800 for Solo) Also Ciannait is on the Nephilim Island after swimming to the peninsula and then to the island. *hides and hopes she doesn't get eaten for accidentally trespassing* 
