
undo what hurts so bad



Beginner Intellectual (0)

Beginner Healer (0)

4 Years
05-17-2022, 09:03 PM
"speech/hover for translations"
The larger of the two male wolves before her was the first to move and therefore caught her attention. However, the movement that he made wasn’t one that she had expected. Instead of moving towards her in order to capture her like she had been expecting, he had moved backwards. This made her pause as she tried to process and reason his actions. If he was a guard - or at least a guard that was affiliated with her previous residence - this wouldn’t have been a normal action. No, she had been beaten and yelled at plenty just for existing and breathing the same air. So far he was contradicting the behavior of what she had initially thought him to be.

Movement again caught her attention as he moved yet again, only this time he seemed to tip his head and…was that a smile? Utter confusion now flooded Isara’s mind as she watched him move between her and the other male wolf. As he finished moving a flash of a memory surfaced in her mind. One of her mother telling one of her many tales. This particular one was of good wolves being outside of the cave and how one day one would likely save them if they waited long enough.

Was this male wolf one of the good wolves?

More words fell from his lips and of course she didn’t understand any of it no matter how intently she tried to listen to it. But then he turned more so to her and touched his chest while saying something rather slowly.

Ardyn…she wasn’t entirely sure what it meant, but it seemed as though the male was trying to tell her something. Of that she was certain. She was also growing more and more curious about him as she watched him wag his tail. In response, the girl seemed to relax a minute amount as she began to believe that maybe what she had first thought was wrong.

Then the other male started talking and even though she didn’t understand…or at least most of what he said…from watching his interaction with the larger male she felt like they weren’t exactly in the same mindset. Was the larger wolf a good wolf and this one a bad wolf? Was that why the larger wolf had stepped between her and the other wolf? Questions swirled in her head until her attention was snapped back to the brown hued wolf as he moved. He had said some weird words that she didn’t understand but she had the sense that he was talking to her since he was looking straight at her. Cautiously her gaze followed him as he moved to the side and when he spoke again, this time giving her a command, she felt her blood inside of her turn ice cold.

‘Come here,’ The words were crude in her language, but she couldn’t deny that they sounded similar. In her language, Komba raun together made the word come…and hir was here. Was this wolf trying to command her to go to him? Was her previous assumption true? Was he a bad wolf who came to take her back to the cave or kill her like she had seen them do to her own mother? Had he followed her to this place from wherever it was she had escaped?

Teal eyes looked from the brown wolf and back over to the larger wolf. She didn’t know what to do. If she listened to this command and went to this brown wolf, she felt like she would likely wind up back in that cave or dead. Both of which she wanted to avoid. But if she were to put her trust into the other wolf…what would become of her then? What if he was simply just trying to trick her into trusting him?


With a slight shake of her head, Isa tried to throw those thoughts out of her head. Her mother had died to give her freedom. Absent-mindedly a paw reached for the necklace, which laid upon her chest, that was once her mother’s. No… she had to believe in someone - even if it wasn’t herself. Eyes flitted to and fro once more and she gulped out of nerves before slowly she began to inch her way closer to the larger of the two wolves. Out of fear, she kept her eyes glued to the brown wolf in case he decided to try and stop her or get in her way. Even if he decided to attack, the girl would be aware of his approach, but as to what she would do in any of those events she had no idea. She didn’t even have any idea if the larger wolf would even be willing to help her if anything were to happen, but she had to put faith somewhere… right?
!!!Isara's native tongue is that of Trigedasleng!!!
Trigedasleng is based off of phonetic english/english slang. Feel free to have your character infer/realize what certain words mean if you'd like!
Powerplay that does not result in major injury or death is okay. Otherwise please ask.