
Anticipated Heartbreak



Master Fighter (340)

Master Hunter (330)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

5 Years
Extra large

OverachieverSamhain 2022Double MasterThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
05-17-2022, 10:30 PM

Had it really been about an entire season since he’d met her?  She wasn’t a child anymore, neither was he.  His way of looking at a lot of life had changed.  Once he had been more interested in what happened in any given day or at least a week where as now he was thinking of a farther ahead of future. Lately when he had thought of his future Ikigai always ended up in it.

Kotori wanted power and he wanted a mate.  He needed someone who’s blood was as pure and noble as his own.  He also needed someone with a personality he could enjoy being around and who was strong.  When he first met Ikigai she had seemed weak to him but he had learned of her inner strength quickly enough and her intelligence.  

As she lay there across from him Kotori could see the woman the child had turned into.  He also saw that deep breath and her first words suggested unpleasantness was coming.  Well, he’d helped her out with other problems so if she needed his aid again he could give it.  The thought lasted only a moment before Iki quickly got to the point.

Ikigai belonged in his future.  Ikigai was leaving Ashen and so leaving him.  How had this happened so fast!?  Was it really fast?  For all Kotori put her into his future he hadn’t tried to seek her out as often as perhaps he should have if wanting to keep her.  Certainly, he hadn’t bothered to tell her of his interests. It had been one of those things Kotori had imagined could be put off with his first interest had been gaining a proper rank in the pack.  She’d be around when the time was right to want a mate.  Lesson learned about never putting off things that were important.

Kotori wasn’t a child anymore so he couldn’t defiantly rush to put himself before an alliance between packs.  At the same time he was selfish and unhappy with the arrangement. “I guess saying I don’t want you to go won’t change anything.”  He already knew the answer but an ache in him had to voice the words anyhow.  “The wolf you are marrying, is he of their family line then?  Do you like him?”  Did she even know him?   Was there any way to stop this?  The urge to tell her to drop it all and screw the alliance was still in his selfish heart.

Kotori Fatalis

[Image: HMmbDEu.png]