
Sand, nothing but sand


10-05-2013, 12:07 AM

Had Lietaenyl not been battling against exhaustion she might?ve dislodged enough of the cactus for both of them. As it turned out she barely retained the presence of mind to think in coherent sentences nevermind complicate it with designs on self-preservation as terrifying as that was. ?Someone?has to take care? of you.? The dame huffed between pants. Her body harbored too many aches to feel prompted by the promise of refreshment but her mouth proved unaffected ironically enough.

A purr escaped her, the sound muffled by the sand. Moments where the usually stoic warrior awarded her with physical displays of affection were rare and entirely too infrequent. Liet would vehemently deny it but she cherished every one. But, not to be distracted, Liet redoubled her attempt at focusing. She was no good to her partner id she was dead. ?So what you?re saying is we are dead if we go back and dead if were press on. You've outdone yourself Zodi?? This would be the last time she allowed Zodiac to take the lead, assuming they survived.

Her ears twisted sharply against her dome as Zodiac stepped out of her peripheral, the rigidness in her companion inciting her to believe there was more out there than vultures. And it was evidently too close for comfort. Despite her body?s protests she forced herself into a sitting position, blinking away granules of sand that had collected against her face and searched the horizon, pinning the wavering image of assumedly another wolf. Lietaenyl frowned. ?I don?t think we?re supposed to talk to hallucinations, Zodi.? Why on earth would there by anybody in such a miserable place?
