
Sweet Nothings




Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
05-18-2022, 01:44 AM

Dalila gave Chimera a slightly surprised glance when he took the bottle after her and had a drink as well. She knew as well as anyone else that he didn't usually drink, but the small show of solidarity didn't go unnoticed. Even if he didn't have much it still made her feel like she wasn't drinking alone and that she was grateful for. He managed to pull a little smile across her lips as he gave his vote of confidence in her ability to eventually be okay with the little show of affection to the back of her ear, making her lean into him more. If anyone would have told her even a year ago that they would be like this she would have called them a liar. Now she couldn't imagine not loving this surprisingly caring and attentive man. He listened to her quietly as she spoke and explained the thoughts that were racing through her mind and how she was feeling in the wake of what happened and when his foreleg moved to wrap around her shoulders she more than happily settled into his embrace, feeling as though she could hide away in the protection he offered.

She couldn't quite bring herself to meet his gaze as he insisted that she wasn't powerless and began to explain how that was so. Her stomach twisted and her heart ached for any of the others this insane male had terrorized as Chimera mentioned the other wolves that he had taken advantage of. More rape, more multination. She didn't often wish death on other wolves and she wasn't one to hold grudges or be vengeful, but in this case she could make an exception. She was glad the brute was dead so he could never cause this kind of havoc and pain on anyone else. It wasn't until his paw lifted her chin and forced her pale gaze to meet his that she looked up at him, seeing the truth in his expression as he told her how he didn't think any less of her and how much he still loved her. She might have lost the fight, but in the end she had won the war because that bastard was dead and she was still here, laying with the man she loved, still the warrior queen of Fenmyre regardless of what she might have lost.

"I love you too, Chimera," she replied with a soft, grateful smile, her tail wagging gently and brushing against his thigh. Hearing his family name attached to her own still made silly little butterflies dance through her stomach like she was some sort of excited, shy girl. When Siren had given her that name it felt like she finally belonged to something and had a family of her own at last, but now that the love between her and Chimera had deepened it felt even more special. She lifted her muzzle to gently brush the side of her muzzle against his and leave a light kiss on his lips.

"Dalila Vista Klein"