
Too Hot To Handle

Midnight Swim!



Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

6 Years

Pride - Bisexual
05-18-2022, 04:05 PM

The evening air is oppressive, the heat of the day still clings to land and the lack of breeze only adds to stuffy night. Athena has abandoned her bungalow to lay near the water in hopes of cooling off. Even with the windows and door thrown open, the hut had been uncomfortable and she had decided to stretch out on side on the beach. Heaving a giant sight, she feels the thick air heavily settle in her chest. Yuck. She lays there on the white sandy beach, trying to allow her tired body to drift off in dream land but failing. The white sand digs into her side while she tries to cool off. A low howl reaches her ears and any thoughts of sleep are banished as Athena sits up to glance in the direction of the call. The King is inviting them to midnight swim? Sure, why not.

Quickly standing, the earthen wolf shakes off the small granules that stubbornly cling to her fur before she moves back to her bungalow. Carefully rolling her sleeping fur up, Athena then strikes off to where the others have gathered to swim. Smiling to everyone, she places her fur on the sand and lays it flat before jogging to the water’s edge. Legs hit the water and the warmth of the ocean is almost too much for her overheated body to handle. But she doesn’t give up, instead wadding further out until she can full submerge underneath the waves. Head disappears as she closes her eyes and allows the water to help to cool her core temperature. When she reappears, Athena feels much better and she happily laughs at the puppy antics around her. She moves to help corral them in the shallow water and splash any that venture toward her.

Ah, what a good night this turning out to be!

"Athena Nocturna"

Athena has a Little Owl companion named Archimedes. He is always nearby.