
I am Hers, She is Mine

Carpathius-Fatalis Wedding - Invitees only


"I will shield you from the darkness"

The Hallows
Lord of Cinder

Master Fighter (877)

Master Navigator (1030)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Running on EmptyRapid Poster - SilverBest BudsSocialiteOverachiever
Auster ExplorerPride - BisexualFestival OrganizerDream WeaverLoserGlobetrotter
UnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3HomebodyWealthyHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
Critical Dodge!Ooh La LaLegendaryExplorerWordyIce Bridge Explorer
WinnerVengeanceSnake EyesDouble MasterMammoth HunterCritical Hit!
05-18-2022, 07:09 PM

Artorias fiddled with the gem-studded leather band on his foreleg while he waited for their guests to arrive, every often exchanging a nervous glance with his mother as they waited for the event to begin. Asla, Indigo, and Bowen arrived first, each taking a spot on the Fatalis and Carpathius side of the aisle respectively. Artorias noticed the mournful look on his sister's face, thinly veiled behind a forced smile. His lips twinged in a small frown, breathing a heavy sigh as he considered her. This wasn't the time nor place to dwell on lingering concerns, however. Soon after came Gossamer, who the Aegis exchanged a smile and respectful nod to her, then Gwynevere who took a seat near the front of the congregation and without her cloak hiding her, much to Artorias' surprise and delight. He beamed at his little sister, so proud of the progress she'd made in restoring her confidence in herself.

Fern and Rudy showed up next, again surprising Artorias that his brother had shown up early. It was more touching than anyone else would know that his brother had made sure he was here for him on his big day. Art shared a grateful bow of his head to Rudy and a smile to Fern, equally as happy that his brother had found someone to make him happy as he had with Briar. The close kinship that he and Rudyard had build together since their first days had only grown stronger over the years, a tale of two brothers bound by friendship and familial love. With his mottled gray brother sitting right at the front by the aisle to support him, Artorias felt like he could take on the world.

After came Kotori, then another familiar face from the Armada. Artorias' eyes lit up when he saw Grimshaw arrive with another male equally as large as they were. He hadn't met this wolf before, but he had extended an invite to Grim's partner, Malachai, so he was to assume this was the boyfriend in question. He offered his adoptive brother a bright smile, enthused to see him so happy—then noted how Malachai was leering at him while virtually wrapping himself around Grim's side and kissing his brother's cheek. Artorias had to stifle a laugh at the display of jealousy and possessiveness; it was all quite ridiculous to the young alpha. He was getting married, and still he was perceived as a threat? Hilarious! But what was even funnier and adorable was what he saw next: a large and gussied up raptor beside his fire-toned friend. Artorias beamed at Zephyr and Lia, giving his adopted son a little wave of his paw to inspire his courage. Choosing Zephyrus for the task of flower... er, bird... had been the right call. He looked downright adorable and Artorias knew he would do a phenomenal job!

Azure and his partner arrived next, and though they'd only interacted once, Artorias held respect for the other man as an alpha of the Armada, and as one of his allies. That is, he did—until he heard Azure's woman make a comment about their wedding being better and her prettier than his bride. Artorias snapped his gaze to the two, fire-kissed eyes flaring with indignation. He held his tongue and said nothing for now, but there would be words later if Azure didn't have any with his partner now. To make a comment like that whilst amongst the bride's own family was shockingly insulting. Fortunately, he wasn't permitted to dwell on the thought as he greeted Zee and Ophelia's arrival with smiles and nods, and then Avantika's and Audra's the same. He was glad to see his adoptive sister had taken his request to heart and was spending more time with her partner and not fretting over the security of the wedding. Mortis arrived with another wolf he didn't recognize—Hikaru he thought Briar had called him—and then Aris, rounding out the Fatalis crowd.

Once everyone was seated, Artorias gazed down the aisle, waiting for his first glimpse of his bride to appear. He twisted and fidgeted with his bangle, taking deep and steady breaths to calm his nerves. His heart was racing. Every second seemed to drag on for an eternity. And then, there she was. The massive form of her Warlord father accompanying her down the aisle, swathed in a full body veil of white gossamer, seasonal florals adoring her flowing tail and antlers. Atop her head rested a silver tiara bearing the same fiery stones his band did. As she was led down the procession with Sirius at her side and Zephyrus waddling ahead to toss flower petals in her path, Artorias found himself spellbound by his beloved. Briar had always been beautiful to him, but today she seemed otherworldly, her beauty beyond compare by any living thing that ever was or ever would be. His mouth hung open in a stunned and amazed smile, giggling like a happy idiot with tears misting in his eyes as she came closer until they had reached the arbor and Seer handed her over with some degree of reluctance.

"Briar... you look incredible," he whispered to her as she took her place with him before Tamsyn beneath the arbor, doing all he could to remember that there was a ceremony to be completed and not just losing himself in gawking at her beauty from tip to tail like a stupefied simpleton. He turned to face her, gently taking one of her paws in his own before looking to Tamsyn with a big toothy grin and nodded. They were ready for this.

"Artorias & Briar Carpathius"

One big happy family

Artorias has two ravens named Corbin and Eira and a fox named Argent. Assume they are within calling distance at all times.
As his mate, Briar may enter Artorias' threads unless marked Private.