
I'm not stalking you or anything

Venom ♡



Expert Fighter (185)

Expert Navigator (225)

8 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022WealthyOoh La LaBy the skin of my teeth
05-19-2022, 12:59 PM (This post was last modified: 07-15-2022, 01:30 AM by Maverick. Edited 2 times in total.)

After depositing his gift on the bride and groom's table, Maverick surreptitiously slipped away into the throng of wolves congregating around the great hall. He knew Venom was around here somewhere, but spotting her amongst the crowd would likely be a challenge, and with so many conflicting scents all over the place, even attempting to seek her out with his nose would be overwhelming! So instead the navy and white brute searched the old-fashioned way: he prowled through the partygoers, sidling up to one of the feast tables and snatching up a few grapes to pop into his mouth. Keen turquoise eyes swerved this way and that, seeking out the familiar monochrome woman with twilight eyes. After a few minutes or searching, Mav saw a telltale flash of striped black and white, standing on his tiptoes to peek over a giant black and white man to spot the lithe empress mingling amongst the others.

A wide, triumphant grin split his lips, and he swiftly downed a nearby goblet of some sweet alcoholic beverage before making his way over to her. He probably should've been paying attention to what he was consuming, but when had Maverick ever been the cautious type? The dire wolf slid smoothly through the crowd, moving with practiced steps almost as gracefully as a serpent weaving its way through a garden until he approached Venom from behind, slipping up beside her as he put on his best charming smile. "Well well, it seems like the fates have aligned for us again, Your Majesty. Or maybe I'm just stalking you... it could go either way, I guess." He snickered while he teased the alphess, flashing her his roguish grin whenever she did turn to look at him. "So, come here often?" he joked, giving her a moment to get over any surprise she might have at his sudden appearance, given that he was most definitely not expected at this party for... whoever was hosting it.


As his mate, Venom may enter his threads not marked as Private.