
Anticipated Heartbreak



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
05-19-2022, 01:46 PM

Kotori claimed that he was going to tell her about the move but that part didn't bother her. She was sure that he would have told her about it eventually, but even then, he didn't owe anything to her. They were just friends. Then... he dropped a bombshell on the young woman's mind. Kotori's next words brought Ikigai's mercuric gaze rocketing up to meet his own, her snake-slit eyes going wide. She could hardly believe what he was saying.

The man continued speaking, sharing his intended hopes for the future and with each word, Ikigai's stomach clenched more and more. She felt sick. Imagining a future with Kotori was much easier than imagining a future with a wolf that she didn't even know. She could see herself beside Kotori, happy, respected, cared for. Loved... Ikigai didn't realize it, but her eyes were slowly filling with tears as she searched the man's face. Why hadn't he told her sooner? Why hadn't he given her any indication that this was what he wanted? Things could have been so different for both of them. They would have been happy.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Her voice was soft, barely above a whisper. Yes, she was proud to do what she could to improve Ashen's standing, but she could have solidified the bond between Ashen and the Armada with a blood tie. It was too late for all of that now. The deal was struck. It couldn't be undone.

Kotori didn't like the situation and why should he? Whatever plans he'd had were now thrown out the window. Nothing that he wanted would come to pass. He then called her his princess and a small sound of pain pulled from Ikigai as the tears in her eyes began to slide down snow white cheeks. One paw raised to cup his cheek with her dexterous digits and she turned his head before bringing her lips to his, kissing the man before sliding her cheek along his so that it rested against his shoulder. Ikigai held onto him as she cried, lamenting a future that she didn't know she had wanted.


[Image: VsG8QnS.gif]