
Don't Live By The Old Laws




4 Years
Chrono I

05-19-2022, 06:55 PM

Reila didn't scare away as Erystotle brushed his paw into hers, she to clasped around his in a gentle manner while her eyes had moved down to their connection. She still kept that turn on the edges of her lips up, it was a usual face for her. She definitely wouldn't sour the moment.

Her eyes reached back up towards his as he spoke, and Reila did have her own reassurance, "I can assure you you'll leave with nothing less." And it was a whole truth because whatever happened between them if it was just this or more Reila could never see really anyone in harsh eyes even in the life she had prior. She could hope he would feel the same about her.

With her paw carefully intertwined with his own, she nearly took the lead just with a gentle pull towards her, but she didn't drag him completely. He had asked her why she was here after all. At the pit was actually rather simple, she did want company. Maybe more so the company of Chimera but just as Chimera had prophesied was enough.  She did look at Erys a little different than she would have seen any other man of the pack, but she wouldn't coax and beg and expect anything of him. Deep down she was a little scared herself. She did a good job of burying it.

"I want to think I can feel something, something new, something true. I don't want to live the rest of my life under what was expected of me before. I want it to be real." Her small smile still didn't falter, but maybe that showed just how she was holding back. Reila liked to make the false pretenses that she was happy and contented all the time, but it wasn't true. The problem was she was an actress. She could act fine and happy all day, hide the hurt and lonely feelings until she was alone. She could fake her own enjoyment in her pursuits and she may have done so here with Erystotle. It wouldn't make him any lesser than her, she'd never hold those feelings against him. But it was more just that she needed to know. If she could even make it that far with him, how would it be with him and how would it be with Chimera. She knew whatever happened between them tonight would begin her new life beside Chimera, whatever that even was.

With her free paw she took a swig of the nearly empty bottle, offering it back to Erystotle and if he took his own or not she went to finish it off. There was a flare in her eye as she looked back at him, maybe he could see it. And after placing the empty bottle back down in front of them, she leaned forward to press her lips into his and letting him start the pace until she felt like she wanted more.
