
Beyond her garden


10-05-2013, 03:03 AM

Chocolate paws moved slowly through the territory, his curiosity stopping him here and there as he would sniff the many plants and flowers that grew in this strange land. He hadn't yet exactly decided to join Ludicael, preferring for now to wander around and explore. He didn't want to feel tied down to a pack just yet, perhaps wanting to check out the other lands and see what they were like. Though he loved his family, he figured they would always be family no matter where they were in the world. Family never abandoned one another, so he knew that if he so chose to go elsewhere that he would come to the aid of his family, wherever they should be.

A small sound would catch his attention, ears sharply perking in the direction of a small yip. With a head tilt, he would make his way towards the sound. His paws quickly carrying him in the direction of the sound. His runner skills brought him to the scene in a matter of seconds. Stopping on a dime, he saw a familiar form not far from him. "Hey, you're Songs kid aren't you? Erm, Canta I think?"

"Speech", Thought, You