
I'm Just Gonna... -Yoink-




Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (270)

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
05-19-2022, 09:38 PM

Scylla was falling asleep, the lull of the wine making it feel as though she was being rocked back and forth. Saracyn's voice brought the girl's eyes open once more and she blinked sleepily, but made herself listen. What he said was... sad. He was all wrong? The boy continued, explaining the ways of his family. Scylla found it all rather odd, but she was rather odd, so she accepted it as truth. Not her truth, but their truth. In the world outside of Elysium, it would be a very silly practice indeed to cull one's children just for numbers or some silly tradition.

The girl blinked hard and gave herself a shake, forcing herself awake, though the shake almost sent her reeling. She grasped Saracyn with her paws to keep the world from spinning. While he lay, she sat beside him, staring down into his black, red and white marked face. Her brows drew together as she fought to really focus. No doubt she looked like a madwoman, but this was important. She could tell that it really bothered him. So... she would do something very un-Scylla-like.

"Lisssten to me, Saracyn Mendacium," she began, her S's a little slurred. "I was born so tiny that a lot of wolves would have killed me just for being such a runt." She could understand that aspect at least. "But you're big and strong and..." her brow furrowed even harder, "the best looking brute I'll ever see." She threw his words back at him. "It doesn't matter why you're here, it only matters that you're here." The slate and cream girl nodded as though what she said was absolute fact. "Fate decided that you should live, so don't let her down."

Thoughts were hard right now and there were many times where Scylla began to speak, but shut her mouth again, furrowing her brow and thinking hard. "If the odds are stacked against you, then you have to work hard to topple that stack to the ground." The girl's gaze became serious as she stared into the boy's oh so blue eyes. "My father told me that and he built his empire from the ground up. He's the smartest wolf I know." My, she hadn't planned to get into such a deep conversation this evening. It was starting to hurt her head. Or maybe it was the wine. Who knew?

"I think you're special. You think you weren't supposed to live, but you obviously were because here you are." Scylla, in all of her fervent, drunken belief, punched Saracyn in the shoulder, though she didn't even realize that she did it. "I'll bite anyone that says otherwise." The girl wrinkled her nose for a moment then brought a paw up to her thumping head. "Now take me to bed. I'm tired."

"Saracyn" & "Scylla"
Scylla should be seen as a very adult character who will indulge in acts that others may find graphic and uncomfortable. Steer clear if you don't like this sort of thing.
[Image: vF1xS6t.png]