
Spa Day

Manea ♡



Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
05-19-2022, 11:07 PM
Manea was certainly very surprised when Alastor insisted on sweeping her away once Fia was fit to be without her for a while and she was recovered enough for a bit of travel. The devoted, work-centered part of herself almost insisted that she needed to stay with Fia or at least tend to the pack before they went anywhere, but Alastor was insistent and it wasn't often that her dear husband got so excited about something he had planned like this. She was intrigued to see what he had come up with so she did eventually agree and came along with him as he lead her further south—although she wasn't sure he would have really given her a choice in the matter anyway. Relaxing certainly wasn't her strong suit, as was proven during her pregnancy, so it seemed like Alastor was forcing her to do just that.

She chuckled and grinned at his excitement as he nudged her toward with an eager swat of his long tail as they neared their destination, her aqua gaze eyeing him curiously. The way his gaze roamed over her certainly didn't go unnoticed and she smirked as she gave a little extra sway to her hips as she flaunted for him just a bit. She knew how much he loved how she looked when she was pregnant and the months that followed as her body slowly slimmed back down to its usual lithe build—although she never did really get back to how she was before her first pregnancy. Her body was more curvy and womanly than it had once been, but that seemed to make Alastor only crave her more so she was certainly not complaining.

The familiar scent of the hot springs reached her and a few moments later Alastor declared that they had arrived as he led her through the fog and mist to one large pool in particular, revealing the furs, the skins that she imagined were filled with some kind of alcoholic drink, and the snacks that were laid out to accompany said drinks. She blinked with genuine surprise at the set up he had laid out for her and she couldn't help but grin as he welcomed her to her spa day with a whole list of options for how she might spend it. As awful as she was at taking time for herself and as much as she insisted she didn't need it she couldn't lie and say that she didn't appreciate this very, very much. She chuckled as she leaned into his side, tipping her head to give his ear an affectionate lick. "You have out done yourself, my love," she purred, her tail brushing his thigh before she slipped away so that she could step into the warm, steaming pool.

She gave a soft groan of pleasure as she slowly sank into the water, the warmth of it immediately seeping into her muscles and soothing the aches that lingered from the rebuilding she was having to do after her pregnancy. She settled with her forelegs over the edge of the pool, her body stretched out over the lip of stone under the water as she peered up at him with a grin. "Would you pass me one of those skins, darling?" she asked, pointing to the mead filled vessels. "And then I think you should join me for a bit of a soak... And if you wanted to rub my shoulders I certainly wouldn't complain."

"Manea Mendacium"