
Don't Live By The Old Laws




5 Years

Trick 2019
05-20-2022, 09:42 AM
She didn’t move away as his paw brushed against hers, it was a small affection, one that she could take or reject. Already he could feel a connection with her, if only because of how similar their pasts aligned. Despite all of it she wore a smile, and he wondered if she truly felt the emotions that expression conveyed or it was a coping mechanism. Her words were confident as she promised him her friendship. That was all he wanted. He’d offer himself to talk to, to get to know, and if they never touched more than this Erys would be content. He offered a content smile, but Reila pulled him closer. They’d known each other for only a few minutes, but part of him felt like he’d known her for much much longer.

He let her bring him closer, and he leaned his shoulder against hers, easily closing the distance between them. Erys hadn’t ever found discomfort in being alone, but as time went on he really did enjoy the company of other wolves. Now that he had regained himself and become much more than the object he had been for so long. She spoke softly after that, carefully answering his question as she revealed what she sought.

She wanted to feel something real. He understood her struggle, it was easy to not know what was right when your life was so messed up for so long that the abuse became normal. Growing out of that was difficult, and Erys couldn’t even admit to finding a clear path. Chimera became a light to his feet though, everything felt right when they were together. He hoped the King could do the same for Reila.

She grabbed for the bottle of booze and passed the last couple swigs along to him. Erys took his own gulp, the buzzy feeling of the alcohol boiling in his belly as the heat of the drink ran through his veins. As he settled into the subtle euphoria there with the other once slave she turned her gaze to him once more. Erys found her bright eyes with his own, catching the glimmer there as she leaned forward.

He leaned into her kiss, returning the affection with sweet hesitation. Her lips were sweet and soft, but he hadn’t forgotten her words. He whispered into her lips, worried about her as she grabbed his paw and dived forward. "Is this real, or expectation?” Erys asked with closed eyes as he paused there against her lips.

"Erystotle Atlas"