
Agni Kai

The Final Showdown



7 Years
Dire wolf
05-20-2022, 06:56 PM

He heard them long before he saw them. So used to the crackling fire, the steady click of claws on the stone all around was a dead giveaway. For one that was used to being pursued for his nefarious deeds, always being on alert had become a way of life. It was listen and watch or be caught. Oxx had entered into his seventh year. He'd been forced to flee when he was less than a year and was taken into his demon father's "care" months later. The slate and snow brute had been doing this for a long, long time. As a matter of fact, if you asked, he'd say that he was an expert on all things seedy and dark.

From where he lay, the firelight below would cast thick shadows on the stone shelf where he lay, along with the plethora of other stone shelves and outcroppings that littered the mountainside. He would be impossible to see as the light made the shadows deep and black as pitch. From his place, the giant bastard waited and watched. He clutched the grey and white tail in his paws and tried to fight a grin as he lay flat against the dark stone.

Dark eyes flitted from one side of the clearing to the next, watching for any sign of movement. Nothing... nothing... THERE. Oxx just barely caught a pair of ears moving to the left and a few more moving to the right. They were avoiding the light. Aww, boo. Well, if they didn't want the light, he'd be courteous and put it out for them. Creeping to the edge of the shelf, the giant lifted his leg and began to let off a steady stream of piss. The fire sizzled and hissed and gave a good try, but the piss combined with Oxx's skin of drinking water did the trick. The fire blinked out of existence, leaving only billowing smoke in its wake.

Oxx hefted a nice sized stone as there were many littered about. One big paw sent it flying far to his left. Ears perked and he heard it clatter loudly against the mountain. That would keep half of the force busy. He didn't know how many wolves were here, but he knew it was at least two. Maybe three. A second rock was thrown in the same direction, cracking against stone with a smash that was overly loud in the silence of the night. He hoped that whoever was hunting him was drawn out by the sound. The giant slid back into the shadows of the shelf, laying flat against the stone, and waited.

"Oxx Carpathius"

Oxx is insanely mature and is prone to
sexual acts
and degradation of women.
Please don't read his threads.