
Let it be



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
10-05-2013, 06:28 AM (This post was last modified: 10-05-2013, 06:28 AM by Epiphron.)

Her nature was subtly flirtatious, no matter who she was addressing -- she was a lovely women, graced by the undeniable beauty of the Adravendi lineage. And so the smile on her features was soft and welcoming, and slowly she dipped her maw to the earth as she drew slowly closer. Epiphron's gaze wandered, attention shifting to fixate on the woman's companion -- a red fox -- who was buried in the snow, peering curiously up at her. The woman lifted the other half of the rabbit that remained, offering it to her. A snack that would not at all be unwelcome, she decided. A grateful smile as given, and she slipped forward to take it from her jaws. "Thank you," the Queen offered, eyes sparkling with contentedness.

Carefully she placed the kill down on the earth. "It's nice to meet you, too. I saw you at the meeting, but ... meetings are a bit too formal to really get to know anyone." They were necessary, she knew that; but that didn't stop them from being a bit of a hindrance at times. With ease the woman would recline to her haunches, before sliding down to her belly alongside Rivaxorus.

The woman asked what brought her out at this hour. A slow shrug would allow her shoulders to rise and fall, a gentle sigh slipping from between her jowls. "Always something to think about," she offered a bit vaguely. "My children are doing wonderfully. Though I would be lying to admit that I grow worried thinking about this Glaciem situation. It makes me feel uneasy when my children wander from home, now." But she knew that she had to let them explore as they pleased, despite the obvious dangers that lurked outside of their borders. "And what about you -- how are you adjusting here, Riv?"