
I am Hers, She is Mine

Carpathius-Fatalis Wedding - Invitees only



Master Fighter (270)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

5 Years
Extra large

Ooh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Mammoth HunterIce Bridge ExplorerPride - Lesbian
1KDouble Master
05-22-2022, 09:39 AM

Gossamer focused in on the rolling in of the waves. It was a wonderful sound that reminded her of the Sea's Plains. While she was excited about the move north she had to admit she'd miss the place she grew up. She was pulled from her reminiscence by her brother arriving to sit with her. It seemed ages since they'd spent time together and she grinned. "Hey Ko, you sure clean up well." It was strange to think one of her litter mates was getting married already. Made her feel old and wonder about her own future. She hadn't thought much about relationships and even now it was low on her priority list. She had other goals and concerns to deal with first.

Gossy glanced behind her now and then to watch the wolves arriving, some strangers and some family. She spied Azure and Hanako. She dipped her head to them. She was slowly getting acquainted with her older brother and Hana well… in truth she tended to avoid Hanako. After a rather distateful interaction as a pup she'd decided their personalities just clashed and she didn't want much to do with older woman beyond what pack duty called for.

Hanako whispered something in Azure's ear, but as it was a whisper and she was seated a ways away she didn't hear what was said. Had she, she might have been tempted to calmly get up and drag Hanako out of the ceremony by her tail.

Nearby she saw her older sister Asla arrive with Indigo. A brow quirked as she watched them together before her mother arrived with Ophelia in tow. She grinned at her mother and litter mate. She secretly giggled to herself as she imagined how Zee managed to get Ophelia cleaned and groomed for the occasion. She'd have to give Ophie a good ribbing about her new look.

Mortis arrived soon after with Hikaru in tow and she smiled at them as they settled in near her and Kotori. She spied Aris and waved to her littlest sister but she saw the hesitation in other other girls face. Gossy frowned for a moment as Aris moved to sit over next to Zee and Ophelia. In truth she could understand Aris not wanting to sit with Kotori. He was definitely a brat at times and she was sure Zee would appreciate having another of her children sitting next to her. Still, if Gossamer were honest with herelf, she really did worry about how Aris was getting along. Did her sister drink at all? They'd both had miserable luck at the tournaments lately. Maybe after the ceremony they could have a beer and comiserate.

Once everyone was settled the ceremony began. Gossamer craned her neck around to watch as Briar started walking down the aisle, decked out to the nines. She looked stunning. Briar paused for a moment to kiss a large and weird looking bird before standing across from Artorias. That must be some odd custom she wasn't aware of. Perhaps for good luck?

Tamsyn then got the ceremony started and Gossamer fixed her attention upon the older woman and the soon-to-be-wed couple. She listened politely as the two spoke their vows to each other, again the occasion making her consider her own state. She'd had yet to even go on a date. To kiss, to fall in love. Was there still a chance something like this might happen to her? Better yet was she willing to side track her other goals? No. No, she wasn't. If love was in her future it would have to wait until she succeeded in becoming a Lieutenant and in becoming the fighter she knew she was. She couldn't afford the distraction. She felt a little flare up of jealousy that Briar could multi-task and acheive multiple goals in one fell swoop. She swiftly buried the feeling. Her jealousy said more about her than Briar and now was definitely not the time to let her feelings of inadequacy rise to the surface.

In effort to move her mind back to the present as well as actual elation for her sister, the moment Tamsyn called for the crowd to join in she stood up and let out a loud whoop and cheer, before tipping back her head and howling as loud as she could, trying to outdo the rest of her family, especially Kotori.