
Don't Live By The Old Laws




5 Years

Trick 2019
05-23-2022, 06:47 AM
Erys was new to this loose lifestyle and primal actions. He’d made great strides with Azzurra, but having Reila in his arms was very different. He wasn’t sure why, he knew Reila just as well as he knew Azzurra when she came to him that night. The hesitance within him was obvious, especially as he pulled away slightly and asked after what was really happening between them. If this was some kind of expectation Erys didn’t want to proceed because it wouldn’t be for her or him in which they enjoyed each other.

The pearlescent man wanted her because she desired him, not because the encounter was expected of them. She answered him honestly, her sweet voice told her there was a mixture of reasons she pressed against him now. Chimera may have nudged them together, but it was their bodies that were the true leaders. They both felt an easy attraction that laced through their flesh.

Her blue gaze conveyed the message much more clearly than her words, as his silvery gaze met her bright blue eyes. She looked up at him from her softly lidded gaze and he saw no hesitation within her. Erys felt his own desire build as she wrapped her dainty paws around him and she pressed her lips against his once more. There was no resistance now, he had the answer he was looking for. He returned her affection with the same kind of intensity and their actions built off of one another.

Before the flames of desire could be stoked too high Reila pulled away from him. He offered her a dreamy gaze before the pair of them were leading each other towards the familiar bungalow that Erys occupied. For a moment he hoped Azzurra wasn’t around, but it was empty when he opened the door and invited the little she wolf inside. "Make yourself at home,” he whispered to her as he nuzzled the soft fur behind her ear. He didn’t know her well but now that he had the freedom to choose his own partners it was easy for him to enjoy her thoroughly.

"Erystotle Atlas"