
Headstrong into the Storm



5 Years
10-05-2013, 09:14 AM

Novella's intentions certainly hadn't been to scare the poor pup, in fact she had perhaps hoped to do quite the opposite. Someone else could have easily approached, a complete stranger, whereas she at least was this pup's aunt, whether or not Fal'Dara was actually aware of that was a different story entirely. All that mattered was she wished to make sure her niece was safe and didn't wander too far from the pack alone, maybe the pair of them could head back before Song and Cherokee got too worried.

It was no surprise then that she suddenly felt quite bad when the dark furred girl leapt in the air with a yelp, clearly rather terrified by the fact somebody had crept up on her. Whatever the girl had been doing she'd apparently been quite caught up in it and apparently hadn't heard or smelt Novella's arrival. "well now i'm tryin' not to be scared to death," That statement certainly didn't help the white female feel any better about the act itself, though at a later point would likely be somewhat amusing. I'm esplorin'...for stuff,"

"I'm sorry, I didn't meant to scare you." She apologised before bringing her attention to the pup's other statement. Although rather vague it brought a bit of a smile back to Novella's features, perhaps similar to something she may have said herself not that long ago at all. "Mind if I tag along? I like exploring too." She asked, hoping that the answer wouldn't be an outright no, mostly as she didn't want Fal'Dara to be on her own, though partially as it would be rather nice to spend a bit of time with her. "I'm Novella by the way. Your mother, Song, is my sister." She added, thinking the introduction was probably necessary.