
Stick to what you know



10-05-2013, 12:39 PM

Within seconds it seemed like the atmosphere had changed, the woman going from sad and crying to happy with a tail flopping, even giving out a small chuckle. It was good to see, knowing Loccian was able to help somebody with their pain. But as soon as it appeared the woman settled down, ears lowering and clearing her throat before wiping her nose and looking to Loccian. She called Seracia her home, and wouldn't leave it for anything. She gave a small nod of her head, smiling. Yes, Seracia was their home, a lovely one.

Riv spoke up, explaining that she didn't want to brig it up too much since there were still good things I the world, she was still here, waiting for something to happen. In that moment Loccian would just stare at the other woman, looking past her in thought. She sometimes didn't understand why some things happened, why she couldn't force herself to do something. The feeling in her heart, like she wasn't meant to search, she needed to wait for the big thing coming. "Wise words Miss, I feel as though I am waiting for something also." And with that she would uncurl h tail and push herself up with a smirk, giving a small shake before slowly making her way down the small hill. "Care for a walk?"

i talk.
i think.
you talk."

Awesome table by Lu <3