
You're Going to Feel Some Kind of Way




Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze Participant
05-24-2022, 02:13 PM
Chimera sighed softly, steeling himself to deal with her emotions but at the same time not hesitating as he invited her into his strong embrace. Despite her weakness Chimera silently promised to be her strength. He scooped her up as if she weighed nothing, and he quietly reassured her of his decision. Scylla and Albion were not keeping up with Cerberus, this would hopefully be the catalyst they needed to get there.

She nodded into his fur, contemplating the conundrum of her internal emotions. Broken hearted but proud that her children were growing up. They were on to their next step of life. But that left Siren here to worry and wonder about her precious babies.

The feeling of his lips against her fur and skin, the way he traced his paws over her thin frame and held her suggestively to his chest as he offered her a solution. He could give her more children. A soft whine echoed his needy groan at the idea presented to them. As he touched her Siren could only think of how much she enjoyed being a mother to his children. She didn't think about the real ramifications of this decision. How close she came to death at their birth or the terrible pregnancy she endured. But this would be different wouldn’t it? Much more magical with the man who held her heart.

"Yes.” she told him breathlessly as he nibbled at the vulnerable skin down her neck. This was one of the most vulnerable moments he’d had her in a long time. "Make me a mother again, Chimera.” She whispered to him desperately there in his office, not a care about time, place, or temperature. Nor that her body couldn’t be ready to produce more puppies at that exact moment. Chimera was everything and had everything that Siren needed in that moment.

"Chimera & Siren Klein"