
How Bright The World



10-06-2013, 04:12 PM

She had been watching from a distance since the meeting, watching the pregnant woman grow. She dare not go near though because of her early departure from the meeting, obviously upset about Bane most likely being demoted and not mentioned as being her mate. In a way the grey woman could understand how she must feel but at the same time she was disappointed in her. Tahlia seemed like a good woman, why would she allow herself to be fooled by a man like him? She was lucky action wasn't taken on her for announcing her pregnancy so far along.

Loccian sat beneath a tree near the lake, giving a small shake of her head. She hoped this birth would straighten the man out, along with his new rank within the kingdom, perhaps he could regain respect by changing and stop becoming a problem. It seemed highly unlikely though, he was growing old like Bronze, habits couldn't be changed so far along. Possibly Tahlia could help him, pull him onto a good path.

Suddenly a call rang out, a summoning from Tahlia. It wasn't for a healer but either way Loccian could not ignore it, she was ready to pop any day now, the children would be coming very soon. So with a deep breath she would push the herbs gathered before her onto a pile of leaves then fold them over and gran the tips gently in her jaws, an easier way to carry them before setting off.

Within minutes she had caught the scent of the woman, following it through the trees, grey eyes running over the marks cut into the bark. She couldn't help but feel uncomfortable walking through here, but forced herself to block them out, stopping a few feet away from what looked like a den. Setting the herbs down she remained where she stood, clearing her throat. "It is Loccian, Miss Tahlia. How are you feeling?"


Awesome table by Andy <3