
Two different roads[Nibel]



10-05-2013, 01:23 PM

I was tired of being alone, so maybe that was why I joined Seracia in the first place. It wasn't as royal as it used to be, as when I was the "queen" of the family. Our blood ran thick with royalty with my father and mothers side of the gene pool. Though we never really brought it up, what was the point if the kingdom was long gone? One day it may have been created again, but right now it was only our blood that was telling the stories. Hajime, the prince, and my brother Allen the royal knight. Arian, was already loyalty, so her blood meant something. The small pup had plenty of room to grow, that was what made me happy. But in all that - in every sense of worry- there was the threat of the evil always creeping in. Even if they did have their own lives, I would protect my own, just as they would protect their own.
It seemed like we had arrived in a fairly interesting act banter. I could tell from his posture, his eyes, and the feeling he gave off. His intentions were far less then what he was speaking of. I found it best not to mention them, otherwise start a fight. I'd rather not return to Seracia a bloody mess, or even dead. In all my life there were good men and bad men, I was strong, but not invincible. Anyone who thought they were, were fools. My smile didn't move as I raised a brow to Nibelheim. "You didn't do anything that needs apologizing for." I dipped my head, keeping on note that he hadn't done anything, yet.
It never ceased to amaze me the fools in this world, and how their strange minds worked. God had created some interesting personalities, and with that, it came the ignorance that they had. I could tolerate a number of things, killing my family was not one. But as an outside job I saw it as a heavy price of life. I myself had killed my fair share of those who had done me wrong. And yet after I had slain my father, I still wept. When my newborn daughter had been killed I wept even though she had been the daughter of a mangy rapist. Every time something retaliated, I was sent to belief I should be an empty shell of a girl. But I wouldn't there was far too much life to live before I died. I would spend every moment of it trying to enjoy myself.
Joining quickly, it was more of hurrying up so I wouldn't be bored. It was only a matter of time when I was alone, for something to happen. Call me dumb, but with war brewing my hackles were raising to be ready for battle. Not right now of course, but I always looked to protect something, to protect those from the harsh past I had been presented with. My black tail made a slight flick as I let out a small laugh lowering my head a bit.
"Packs don't really hinder your freedom, not unless they are like Glaciem. The king owns a bunch of women and won't let them leave." I said simply, wondering if he'd like to live something like that. Like the albino king that ruled the north with his harem of women. "It's much like my old home, everyone is treated well enough. And the King and Queen aren't much of dicks as I've heard my ancestors in the past have been in their kingdoms." Yes kingdoms. There was only one I knew of, but plenty of them had a long history of tyranny. I wasn't surprised after seeing my father. There was plenty of evil to run through our veins. I keep thinking every hour, how lucky we were to not end up with such views as to treat the world like a mild toy.
"I think a packs inside information should be kept a secret. Unless you were showing an interesting in joining. The pups are trained by mentors though depending on what they want to be. It is run just like a kingdom the king and queen rule and we must serve them." I really could make it sound like hell. But it wasn't, since the king and queen were fairly relaxed. They were kind hearts, with a strong king to back up the queen who had once been part of Valhalla. Both of them were strong, and sometimes everyone seemed to ignore that.
