
Little Fiery One




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
05-25-2022, 03:07 AM (This post was last modified: 05-25-2022, 03:08 AM by Manea. Edited 1 time in total.)
It felt like an up hill climb that she didn't have the energy to take trying to get Alastor to see what was right in front of him, but she understood how ridiculous it seemed. No one else she had ever encountered would consider murdering innocent pups for their own sake or for the benefit of only one of them. They would pour all of their resources and energy into supporting and raising the weakest of them if that's what it took in hopes that one day it would all be worth it and they would be able to stand on their own. Their way of thinking was cold and logical and hard for even her to think about at times, but she truly didn't want any of her children to have to suffer and struggle through a life they never asked for.

She could see that as hard as her reasoning was to hear it was at least more palatable for him than any other explanation she had offered so far so she at least took that as a small fraction of a victory. Speaking about the Ancients and the soul they provided for their children only brought more skepticism and disbelief, but she had expected it. That was always the hardest thing to convey and the last thing that anyone was willing to believe because it wasn't a tangible thing that could be pointed to, but she was attempting to take it one thing at a time. The way his gaze softened when he looked to their daughter gave her a small bit of hope, a glimmer of the wolf she needed so badly in this moment, and it was enough encouragement for her to keep going and keep trying.

It was obvious that he was barely holding on just as she was at this point as he finally gave her an answer for what he had taken. She had to decipher his broken response, but it at least made her give a soft, shaky sigh of relief once she did. Medicine prepared by Irilyth to help him stay in control so he wouldn't hurt her or their daughter. She had no idea how much of it he was supposed to take or how much was harmful to him, but at the very least it wasn't some sort of poison that she had feared it to be. With that fear subsided, she went to gently place his paw back on the ground and when she did she caught a small glimmer of his mostly hidden gemstone claws. It made her stop, still holding his injured paw slightly in midair as her strained and exhausted mind started to stitch something together. His questioning over the 'special powers' that their unnamed daughter might have, the reason behind the culling that they performed, the demands to see proof of the power and strength of their souls... It was right in front of her the whole time and she just didn't know how to show him.

"You wanted proof that being a part of this family made any kind of difference for you and your soul..." she said to him quietly as she brought her gaze back up to his, hoping that his foggy mind wasn't too far gone to understand. Her other paw lifted, brushing across the top of his toes. "These claws, your long, flowing fur... Those happened after we met, after we were married, after Avacyn and Saracyn were born. The Ancients can't change your soul, they only create the outward reflection of what it already is." Her paw moved from his up to his cheek, cupping it gently while she tried to hold his focus long enough to get the realization across. "Our children are already born with their gifts, but your true gifts only appeared after the real you showed through... A man that would tear the world apart for his children." She let that sink in, the realization hitting her as well and her thoughts scrambling to consider the ramifications of these facts, but for now she knew she needed to get Irilyth in here to finally patch him up now that she was confident that he wouldn't tear into Irilyth for touching him.

"Irilyth!" she called as she let her paw slip from his cheek and gently released his paw. "Bring supplies to mend Alastor's wounds!" She shifted a bit, helping to guide Alastor down to the ground as she told him quietly, "Lay down... Sitting up isn't doing you any good." Once he had followed her directions she managed to get herself back to her paws, slowly walking over to where their daughter was laying. She had just begun to stir and wake up with squeaks and cries and Manea nuzzled her tenderly. She was too tired to think about anything than her relief that Alastor was here and alive. The doubts of her own family and beliefs, the fact that Alastor's criticism some how reaffirmed her own faith somehow, and their fragmented relationship got put behind the most basic and simple emotions. It was all her frayed body could handle right now.

While Irilyth went to work patching up Alastor to mend him after the rampage he went on, she gently picked up their girl by the scruff and carried her over to where Alastor was laying. The way he softened for her didn't slip past her and at this point she just wanted to give him any kind of relief she could. She placed the squeaking girl between his paws before she laid down beside him with a heavy sigh. She was quiet for a few moments, just watching him with her for a bit, before she said, "She still needs a name." She tried to give him a little smile, resting a paw over his foreleg.

"Manea Mendacium"