
Luxury Accommodations



Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
05-25-2022, 05:23 PM

Manea's ears perked as Alastor moved their conversation along, asking the young couple how they met and ended up together. She was just as interested to hear their story and listened curiously while she continued to sip her wine, grinning as Briar told the incredibly adorable and wholesome story of how they met as pups. She chuckled at the fight that ensued over her bold questioning over his coloring in a way only a pup would do, smirking as Artorias interjected with his insistence that it really was quite a fierce fight even if he was the one that one it which made him a bit biased. They were such a sweet and loving couple and it was so entertaining to watch—and made her wonder all the more what was actually hiding beneath this perfectly poised and put together exterior. She couldn't make herself believe that there was no hidden kinks or lecherous tendencies somewhere in there and she only wanted to find out what they were more and more, even as Artorias continued to show just how lovely they were as he explained how Briar had defied her father to come see him while his mother was ill.

Her brows lifted a bit when Artorias mentioned that Briar's father was in fact Sirius, the Warlord of the Armada, and then she understood where all of her proper behavior and decorum came from. The Armada leader had been quite well spoken when she came to properly introduce herself and her pack after Elysium's founding so it wasn't a surprise that this smart, beautiful woman came from such lineage. It did mean that their union would be bringing together what seemed to be two very large and well established packs and if she hadn't just heard the story of their relationship and how they met she would have thought it was arranged for that purpose. It was easy to say they just so happened to meet at just the right time to become childhood sweethearts, but she believed too heavily in the world having a purpose and a plan for the wolves like them that were so heavily gifted and meant to make an impact on this world to really believe that.

"You two really are adorable," she commented with a chuckle, grinning while a clearly tipsy Artorias started peppering Briar with kisses and affection, making the tawny woman giggle and nudge her drunken fiancé away. "Well, I certainly hate to cut our evening short, but I don't want to keep such a lovely couple from enjoying themselves when he so clearly wants to be all over you," she said mostly to Briar, giving the Hallows Queen a grin and a knowing wink. She pretended like a thought just crossed her mind, a salacious grin pulling across her features as she hummed with a soft purr to her voice. "Well... unless you want us to... get in the way, so to speak," she offered nonchalantly, leaning in to reach a large feline paw across to Briar's, hew paw grazing the other woman's leg. "We're very much... free lovers in Elysium. If you'd like a bit of a thank you for your hospitality..."

"Manea Mendacium"