
Let it be



10-05-2013, 01:48 PM

I could agree on her on the Glaciem things. It filled me with worry, along with everyone else that was here. I really wasn't surprised, their king was as thick headed as a goat. And yet still he managed to survive another day because he had women flocking to him like flies. Even men as well, it made me want to puke. What was going through their heads? Honestly, why would you support such a monster in that fashion. It never ceased to amaze me, how the ignorance of this world worked. Some could call me an idiot though, or a cruel wolf at that.
I understood what she meant by the meeting. I gave a nod of my head to let her know I was listening while she spoke. Listening had been something I was fairly good at through the days. Often Denki, Allen, and Jayden would complain to me about their problems. But then I never got to voice my own, building it up under pressure. It was a sad fact, but my heart was strong enough to support it. Even after we had broken into pieces after my father died. My red eyes scanned over the lady as she sat down beside me. Curling my tail on the opposite side where she had sat herself.
"Try not to worry too much queen, Maverick is a strong king, and your are fairly level headed. Not to mention the members have their strengths too, besides Valhalla is here to add upon that." I tried to reassure the girl tapping my tail against the snow. Kurai climbed out of the snow and onto my back, curling into a ball as his little copper eyes looked at Epiphron. "Kurai is just a bit nervous, that or he's cold." The red fox curling his tail made a soft smile towards the queen in a small hello.
"I had a nightmare a few days ago, but Loccian happened to be nearby and we had a chat. Seracia is a lot like my old home, apart from it being bigger of course." I laughed a little bit. Loccian was a nice girl, and she held high rank within the pack it made me feel more comfortable. Though I knew I wished to raise my rank, not for the power. It just seemed like I could better offer my services to do so.
"About Arian, I tried telling Maverick during the pack hunt but I guess it was a busy time. The girl is my cousin and I figured I'd let you know rather then starring at her this whole time wondering why she has an eye patch like mine. Her father natsu is my cousin off of my half sister Niana's part of the family. We have a rather big family after all. My son is in Tortuga, as is my brother." I got it out finally, once as I had felt comfortable after all. It's not like I could tell her my father was a whore and even for his age he went off making children like no tomorrow then left the next day.
