
Little Fiery One




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
05-25-2022, 07:54 PM
Manea watched as Alastor gently scooped up their daughter with a tenderness that still sometimes surprised her. This was the same man that had clearly spent the entire day tearing who knew what other creatures limb from limb, spilling blood everywhere he went, and yet when he had a pup in his paws he was the most gentle and sweet wolf she had ever laid eyes on. He was so hard to get a read on at times, but for now, when she was too tired to really consider anything else, she just let herself enjoy the sight of him with their daughter while Irilyth finished closing his wounds. She wished that they could have spent her entire first day like this, but unfortunately there was no way to rewind time and she would just have to accept what had happened and hope that they could form some kind of better understanding from it all. She could tell from his sigh that he was also hardly in any kind of place to stay awake and think of names, but before they finally rested she just wanted their daughter to at least have a name.

His tired gaze met hers for a moment, both of them haggard and frayed, but they were both here with their little girl. He wanted something fiery, graceful, and powerful for her and she nodded in agreement as she looked back down at the little fireball that created a splash of color between her father's dark paws. She thought for a few moments and while she did she noticed Irilyth back up from Alastor, seemingly content that she had found and bandaged all of the various wounds he had collected in his rampage. She gave the healer a grateful smile and nodded for her to come closer, tipping her head up to give Irilyth a gentle kiss as a silent thank you for her work before she went to leave the den again, Manea watching her go before she turned her gaze down to their sleeping child again. "How about... Fia," she suggested. It was a pretty name that reminded her of flame and fire, but she wasn't sure that it fit the graceful, powerful aspects of things that Alastor wanted. She hummed for a moment, her paw lifting to lightly stroke over the girl's fur. "Or maybe... Fiametta." That had a bit more regality to it. A strong, pretty name for a strong, pretty girl.

When she turned her gaze to Alastor to see what he thought, she could tell that he was just barely hanging on to consciousness and she wasn't doing much better. Smiling softly, she left one paw resting over Fia where she was laying curled up between his paws and shifted so she could slip her other foreleg over his shoulders, gently pulling him into her and guiding his head to rest across her foreleg as they all finally snuggled together as a family once more. She rested her head in the soft, plush fur of his neck, her own eyelids heavy now that the fear, the adrenaline, the anger and the sorrow had finally begun to settle so that her mind would let her body rest. She gently nuzzled behind his ear, saying softly, "Rest now. Fia needs you." She begun to fall asleep after that, tangled up with her little family and finally crashing into rest that her body so desperately needed.

"Manea Mendacium"