
Luxury Accommodations


The Hallows
Lady of Cinder

Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

6 Years

How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Ooh La LaSamhain 2022LegendaryPride - DemisexualTeacher
The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3VengeanceCritical Fail!Ice Bridge Explorer1K
05-25-2022, 08:38 PM
Briar blushed a bit and grinned as Artorias insisted she was being too modest in her telling of how they came together, mentioning how she had defied her Warlord father to come be with him after his mother fell ill. At the time it had felt like an easy choice and one she would readily make again because Artorias was worth more to her than anything else in this world. She hadn't even really considered the ramifications of it until she got caught and was being scolded by her father and even then she knew she had made the right call. When Artorias started leaning into her and covering her muzzle and face with kisses she grinned and giggled, her face flushing hotter as she nudged him away with a playful warning glare. It was very obvious that he had been drinking more wine than her, though she was certainly feeling the alcohol as well. The warm, light feeling of it helped her relax so Artorias' advances in front of their guests felt cute and funny rather than embarrassing.

Her gaze was brought back up to Manea as the violet woman mentioned leaving them to their own devices since her handsy husband to be was practically all over her. She giggled again and was about to either assure them that Artorias would be fine if they wanted to keep eating or maybe thank them for letting them have the time together since they didn't get it all that often, but instead she was greeted with a proposition that she had not at all been expecting. She was sure the shock was written all over her face as Manea offered for them to 'get in the way', explaining how they were free lovers and wanted to thank them for their hospitality. Her ears flicked shyly as Manea reached over to stroke across her leg, making Briar glance between her and Alastor with a shy nervousness and an uncertain giggle. Alastor seconded what his wife suggested, his ebony gaze even more hungry than Manea's and a lecherous grin that stood out brightly against the abyss that was his dark fur. The idea of it all made her heart skip anxiously and her turquoise gaze turned uncertainly toward Artorias.

"Oh, well, um... That's very kind of you to offer, but..." she began, but when she looked at Artorias she could tell that he was already either too far gone with all of the wine he had consumed to have any inhibitions left or he actually was interested in this proposal that the other pair of alphas had for them. It made her pause and glance between him and the pair that looked like they were ready to devour them both as soon as she gave the word and for a moment she felt a bit caught in the middle. She had always allowed Artorias to do what he wished without her as long as he told her about it and wasn't simply sleeping with every other wolf he came across. She had turned a blind eye to it, deciding that not asking him about it and just trusting him to do the right thing was what made her feel better about the whole thing... But did it really? She had never really gotten over her jealousy of Bowen and she wondered if how she handled that situation could have gone differently. Barring him from sleeping with anyone else felt controlling and like she was forcing him into something he didn't want so what other alternative did she have?

It felt like one option was suddenly right in front of her, but her stomach churned nervously at the idea of taking it. Artorias was very, very slowly peeling back the layers of her sexuality and introducing her to new things as they spent more time together, but inviting someone else into their bed had never crossed her mind as something she would want. She wasn't even sure she wanted it now, but if she didn't try it how would she ever know? "Well... If Artorias is interested..." she added quietly after some thought. Maybe if she could make herself comfortable with this kind of thing she could join in with him and his other partners when he had them so she wouldn't feel so outcasted or jealous over it... "I'm not completely sure... so maybe I'll just leave you three to it if I'm not into it," she told them as she glanced back toward Manea and Alastor, giving herself an out just in case she needed it without ruining Artorias' fun.

"Artorias & Briar Carpathius"