
Silent Embers Rekindled [Pack Meeting]

Deadline is the 15th of May



Expert Fighter (160)

Expert Intellectual (140)

5 Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

By the skin of my teethPride - Demisexual1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
05-25-2022, 11:58 PM

You couldn't kill me if you tried

She had been rather quiet for a while, though she blamed her lingering thoughts on the long nights that had passed them almost a year ago now. She didn't think about them too much now, but every now and again, she did think about the voices she would hear in her dreams since that ordeal. She spent a lot of time working on the teachings that Aurielle and Ardyn had been teaching her. Writing, crafting, fighting, herbal remedies, and much, much more. There was so much to learn, and she swore she was learning something new every day if not perfecting and pursuing her favorite crafts. Today, she was patrolling the border when Ardyn's call for a meeting went out, and her ears perked up with excitement. She had heard he had taken the reigns when Aurielle decided to retire, and she was eager to see how or if the pack would change. She had no doubts he'd be an excellent king, and she was especially happy that her best friend had the opportunity.

She moved at a brisk trot, the glow in her fur pulsing lightly as she gracefully made her way to the meeting. She briefly wondered about how she would fare were she to have a pack of her own, but she still held back on wanting to pursue that considering she was content with her position. Ardyn was a prince, she was a commoner. She doubted she had been borne from royal blood, anyway, but regardless, she'd support her fiery furred friend in all his endeavors.

Upon arriving at the meeting, she noted there was a handful of others present, and others still yet to arrive. She took a seat near Aurielle as she respectfully nodded and greeted the former Queen before turning her attention to Ardyn and offering a friendly nod of greeting to him as well. Eager to hear what he had to say, she settled in and wrapped her elegant tail around her paws and ensured the glow in her fur was softened enough so as not to distract. If there was one thing she was proud of, it was the fact she had learned how to more or less control the glow of her fur. Something trivial to some perhaps, but she was proud nonetheless.
