
I've Walked With You, Once Upon A Dream

Mortis <3


"Live Like A Warrior"

Lead Hunter

Master Fighter (290)

Master Hunter (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years

Samhain 2022How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Double MasterOoh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
05-26-2022, 12:44 AM

Blue eyes are wide as she looks at Mortis, emotions lingering just beneath the surface. Wonder is written on her features as Fern turns to lead the winged wolf away her breath hitching a moment as he asks if she is related to Meadow. Images swim up from the depths of her memory; unbidden, unwanted, painful… and filled with love. The smile that she gives Mortis as they slowly move away from the crowd is thin, tight with pain and choked with emotions. Still, the gray girl does not want to breakdown in tears in front of the gathered wolves so she keeps her answer short, “Meadow was my mother. My name is Fern Lark.”

She uses the last name her mother had chosen for herself. The tender-hearted healer had never felt like she deserved the same name as her older sister and when the young Fern had innocently questioned her mother about, Meadow would just offer the pup a smile and explain that Resin the strongest wolf the she had ever known. Then she would watch the birds catching riding the air and say that she was more like the larks at home on the breeze. Back then, Fern had not understood what she meant but now… well, she is beginning to realize. Blue eyes steal glances at the winged-wolf as they walk, wondering if he knows about what happened to Meadow.

A dagger is stabbed into the gray girl’s heart when Mortis asks about how Meadow is doing and emotions roll across her face. Fern can’t say it here, not where others might intrude on a moment that should be private. Looking up at the winged-wolf, she gently says, “I will tell you about her in moment. Let’s… go visit the sunflowers. Okay?” With that, the gray girl allows silence fall as she takes Mortis to the place that houses Meadow’s favorite flowers. When they arrive, Fern moves to sit in front of the smiling flowers as a tear slips free to run silently down the fur of her cheek.

Blue eyes do not leave the bright flower as she gently says, “She talked about you all the time Mortis. I… I feel like I know you even though this is the first time we are meeting. Meadow… mom loved you Mort. Mom will always love you.” Emotion chokes off the rest of her words as more tears fall and Fern turns her bright, tear-filled eyes up to meet Mortis’s gaze and she flounders to find the right words. Silence stretches thin between them as Fern struggles. Finally, she whispers, " Meadow is gone."

"Fern Lark"

Fern has a female stoat companion named Puff. She is always nearby.