
Thoughts Every Which Way



Intermediate Healer (30)

Intermediate Intellectual (40)

6 Years
Extra small
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
05-26-2022, 01:01 AM

She was glad he understood, though truthfully, she wished she hadn't taken so long to figure it out. But at least she was here now, and her spirits and hopes were lifted when he gestured into the territory. Her tail began to wag as a smile began to plaster itself on her delicate features, and no matter how hard she tried to stop it, she just couldn't. Would this be somewhere she could call home? “What calling do you feel most in tune with? Healing, for instance?” She followed alongside, though mostly kept her head aligned with his shoulder so she could better see him as he spoke. "I think you hit the rabbit on the head. Yes, I do have more of a passion for healing, though simply because it's easier for me to track down herbs and perhaps wrestle a patient with words than it is for me to chase down dinner or wrestle down an actual opponent..."

She flicked her ears nervously as she paused for a heartbeat before continuing. "I'm sure you've noticed by now, eyesight isn't the best. I can see. Partially. Peripherally, at least." She shrugged, "I haven't tried to fight anyone, and I tend to flee at the first sign of danger...I'm not a coward, but...I don't know. Being a loner has its risks, and out there it's me against the world. Letting someone else have my meals was better than fighting over scraps and potentially getting seriously injured and without a pack?" She shook her head. I suppose if I really wanted to, I could learn to fight. Who knows, I might even be good at it!" She joked, though part of her had considered that for a while now.

Maybe now that she was in the hands of what seemed to be a reputable and long-standing pack, perhaps she'd get that opportunity. Even if it was just to learn how to defend herself.
