
Let the Festivities Begin

Elysium Festival Feast!



Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
05-26-2022, 02:59 PM

Avacyn walked with her parents and siblings down to the large tent that she and Saracyn had erected a few days prior during their set up for the event, eager and anxious to see all of her planning in action. Wolves that they had invited began to gather on the island and she was pretty pleased with the turn out so far! Honestly if even a handful of wolves had come she would have considered that a success for her first ever event in their still fairly new pack. Once they were settled and her mother called everyone together, she waited for everyone to finish congregating before she said anything, trying to fight back her nerves from her first time speaking to a crowd like this.

Slightly to her surprise, most of the guests approached them, some of them just greeting her parents and some shockingly giving them gifts. She would nod to each of them as they went by until Ricin approached them with his gifts. She watched curiously as he offered a gift to their newest sister, smiling at the ball that was presented to her. It was very sweet, which she had come to expect from the lighter of the two brothers. She knew her brother had other thoughts about the pair of brothers that had come to live with them very early on, but she had come to like them both quite a lot despite their odd beginning. She looked up with surprise when he gave her and Saracyn gifts as well, smiling softly at his adorable nervousness. "Thank you!" she called after him, grateful for the gift regardless of what it was. When she opened it up and found the necklace made of fire opal and orange inside she knew her gratefulness was still genuine. She looked over and saw the purple-hued bracelet that Saracyn was given and grinned as he put it on and very clearly liked it, albeit reluctantly. She chuckled and gave him a little nudge before slipping on her necklace, the chain mostly hiding in her plush fur, but the fire opal shining on her chest.

She saw her uncle and his woman slip in along with a few wolves from The Hallows, but first her attention was captured by Scylla, who she remembered well from their first trip to Fenmyre. She had to fight the smirk that tried to pull across her lips when she spotted the glare Scylla gave her brother who had hit it off oh so splendidly the first time they met. Avacyn blinked with surprise when she saw the gifts that was presented to her and Saracyn after she made her greetings to their parents, looking at the leopard skin bundle she was directed to with a little tilt of her head. "Thank you," she said again with a little nod before the Fenmyre woman walked away. Saracyn unwrapped his first and her obsidian eyes widened with surprise at the taxidermy he was presented with. It made her even more curious about her own gift and she pulled off its covering to reveal the bird attacking a snake frozen in time. She looked at it with fascination, leaning in to examine the handy work of it all. As a crafter herself she was very interested to see the fine stitches that held it all together. "Are you kidding? This is amazing," she insisted. She couldn't wait to get more time to examine it and maybe get a chance to ask Scylla how she did it.

More wolves came up to greet them, Avacyn giving a warm smile and nod to each one as they chatted mostly with her mother, some other wolves just finding their places among the crowd. Once it seemed like everyone was settled she gave her mother a glance her gave her a nod and motioned her forward with a wave of her paw. Avacyn took a breath and looked to Saracyn for a bit of encouragement before she rose to her paws and took a couple of steps forward to stand a bit in front of her family. "Hello everyone!" she called after taking a deep breath, giving them a moment to quiet down and turn their attention toward her. "I am Avacyn Mendacium, the Gnata of Elysium, and I wanted to welcome and thank everyone for coming to our first pack festival!" Her gaze scanned the crowd as she spoke, spotting a few wolves she hadn't seen enter before and making a note of all of the different packs that were represented here. "Tonight we have a feast for all of you to enjoy. When you're ready to turn in for the night, you can follow the path from here toward the mountains on the west side of the island and you'll find some caves that have been prepared for you to stay the night if you'd like. In the morning we will have several events taking place if anyone would like to take part. There will be a fishing tournament, a cross country race and a melee brawl! Please come see me before the night is over if you would like to sign up for any of the events." She paused for a moment, waving a white-dipped paw toward the impressive display of food in the middle of the tent. "For now, please, everyone eat and drink as much as you'd like! And thank you again for coming!"

"Avacyn Mendacium"