
Inside My Head




Master Fighter (245)

Expert Intellectual (191)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantLoser
05-26-2022, 04:19 PM
Cináed finished up one of his usual patrols, going through his usual day and routine around the island, and once that was done he went out of the pack lands to see about hunting down something for himself and something to add to the pack's stores. He wasn't a huge fan of hunting, but it was one of those things that he could do well enough to get by and to make himself feel useful. It wasn't like they were ever really at a shortage of supplies on the island, but it also kind of felt like the least he could do since Chimera gave him a home and didn't really ask for much more from him than to patrol and contribute occasionally. He did mean to try teaching some of the younger wolves on the island some fighting lessons or something at some point, but he didn't really know if he considered himself a good teacher. Maybe he'd just find something for them to fight together instead.

He made his way out into the near by grove, hoping maybe he'd find some deer or something similar milling about. Prey animals liked all the berries and fruits around here so it was usually a pretty good spot to hunt. Either that or a bear and either way he'd have something entertaining to do. However, while he was trying to pick up on any scents to track, he ended up finding a scent that was strangely familiar even if he couldn't place it right away. Curious, he followed it through the grove until is golden gaze lifted from the ground and landed on the woman that was colored with shades of blue. Once he saw her it brought back the memories from his childhood and he realized why the scent was familiar. He stopped several feet away from her, blinking with surprise. It was the first time he had encountered anyone from his past since he moved to Auster and at least at first he didn't really know how to react. "Um... Hey, Onyx," he said after a moment, moving a bit closer as the initial shock started to wear off.
