

Briar ♡


The Hallows
Lady of Cinder

Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

6 Years

How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Ooh La LaSamhain 2022LegendaryPride - DemisexualTeacher
The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3VengeanceCritical Fail!Ice Bridge Explorer1K
05-26-2022, 08:59 PM

Briar had enjoyed every second of their wedding and the reception that followed, but she'd be lying if she wasn't very glad to be bidding farewell to the last of their guests and finally heading up to their room. They had done more than enough celebrating with their friends and family, now it was time for them to spend some time on their own and celebrate in their own way. Her side brushed against his as well as they walked, looking up at him with the same desire as a little grin played on her lips. She thought she would be more tired than she was from the day full of festivities, but she was still riding on the high of finally being married to him and the giddy excitement that brought so sleep was a far flung thought in her mind. They reached their room, but just as Artorias opened the doors for them he turned and suddenly swept her off of her feet, making her gasp and giggle with a wide grin across her lips as he called her by her new name.

He carried her into the room, the both of them a bit tipsy and wobbly from the drinks they had during the feast. She had kept an eye on Artorias' drinking just to make sure he didn't get too drunk, but he was good just as he promised and now they were both in a fun, giggly level of intoxicated which she enjoyed. Once he slid her off onto their bed, she grinned back at him with a giggle while she stretched out on the bed and got comfortable, flicking out her tail so that it was flowing over the edge of the bed elegantly and her slim, lithe form was stretched out for him with her laying on her side. She was still wearing the crown of feathers that she was given for the reception and the necklace that her father had given her before the ceremony, but nothing else. At least they didn't need to contend with the long, body length veil she had worn during the ceremony. Thankfully she had thought to take that off before they began their celebrations.

She watched him sway over to the door to close it, grinning as her turquoise gaze roamed over his large, muscular frame. It was still amusing to her how growing up they had stayed so similar in size for so long, but now that they were grown into their full adult forms she had ended up a fair bit shorter than him. She enjoyed the change though and admired the handsome wolf he had become very, very much. With the door closed and secured, she watched Artorias make his way back toward her, making her grin with a light blush across her cheeks at his compliment of how she had looked in her outfit. "And you looked so handsome, my Artorias," she replied in turn, reaching out over the edge of the bed toward him as he drew closer and brushing her paw along she beautiful sash that Plague had crafted for him.

Briar gave her new husband a sly grin as he mentioned how he liked her out of it even more, shifting and stretching out for him again just to show off a little tiny bit. She loved the way he looked at her. She never felt as beautiful as she did when she had Artorias' warm, fire gaze roaming over her body, appreciating her with a desire she adored. When he invited her to do the undressing, she grinned and rolled onto her stomach, sliding herself to the edge of the bed where he was standing. "Of course I would," she purred, her elbows hanging over the edge of the bed while her body was stretched out across it, her hind legs stretched out behind her and her tail making a flowing waterfall of fur over the mattress.

She unclasped the medallion that held the sash together and to his vest first and as she carefully slid the orange and white swag of fabric off of his neck she took the opportunity to tease him a bit, leaning in to kiss and nibble along the side of his neck while she lowered the stash to the floor with a light clink of the metal against stone and a swish of falling fabric. Her paws reached for the clasps of his leather vest just as she reached the top of his neck, giving him a grin as she un did the first couple of clasps to make sure she knew the mechanics of it before pressing her lips firmly to his, kissing him deeply while she finished unbuttoning his vest to slide it off of his body. Only once she felt the leather fall away and heard it hit the floor did she pull back, giving him another salacious grin as she shifted back on the bed and rolled onto her back, fixing him with a heated look of need and desire.

"Artorias & Briar Carpathius"