
Do It For Me. Do It For Us.




Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

05-27-2022, 05:37 AM

He knew that she wouldn’t say anything that she didn’t mean or feel was true, but the words were still difficult to hear with everything he felt. He had made progress from the beginning, he could feel it when he’d seen Duch. Indigo was particularly weak at this moment as they arrived ta the year anniversary and his mind worked double time to imagine what could and should have been.

Aslatiel let him embrace her and he could feel her warmth and her hope just as his arms wrapped around her shoulders. He could feel her exasperation and frustration in him, and even as he asked for patience she spoke how long he’d been like this. How very long he embraced the sorrow and let it rule his life. Would it have hurt as much if he hadn’t lost his band and the dreams he cultivated at the same time? Did he mourn those wolves he lost as much as the puppies he wanted so badly to be here?

She spoke again, and Indigo realized how right she was. He gave them a year of his life, he mourned for a year, and surely that was plenty. He had to pull himself up because life didn’t stop, everyone kept moving while he was stuck in the same place he was a year ago. Anything he did now would mean nothing to the dead, he was just wasting his life when he could be moving on and embracing the next big things, which he was doing right now.

He had Aslatiel wrapped in his arms, just like he had always wanted, but none of this was fair to her. She deserved all of him, not just the ghost that he had become. She deserved more from him. Not only that but their future children deserved so much more. All he had to do was release, to let go and trust that Asla would catch him and that he could stand on his own four paws. He’d felt what it was like to be broken, now it was time to rebuild.

"I’m sorry, Aslatiel." He whispered to her as he buried his features into the thick fur of her neck. "You deserve more, they deserve more." He told her as one massive paw shifted from her shoulder and down to hold her soft belly. "They wouldn’t want me to live like this," he knew it. He knew he needed to be stronger, to hold himself up, but he felt so deeply. "For you, I will." He promised her as he held her tight, still feeling the deep ache in his heart, but also the swelling of deep love and affection he had for her.

"Asla" -- "Indy"

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.