
Do It For Me. Do It For Us.




Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
05-27-2022, 09:15 AM

Indigo held her close, his face buried in her fur just as hers was buried in his. He told her the words that she wanted to hear, but she wondered when and if they would come to fruition. He placed a paw on her svelte stomach and a small grin pulled at the fae's maw. She didn't know if she was pregnant yet. The words that she'd used against Duchess were just said to harm the woman. There was hope there, however. Either now or soon, Aslatiel would begin her journey to motherhood once again.

"I know you'll try," Asla whispered to him, wrapping her forelegs around him in turn. As much as she could, anyway. "We've gone through so much to be together and, once we have children, we'll go through so much more. We both need to be strong for the pups that we'll make." It was no secret that pups produced from their union would be looked down upon, especially by their family. They would need to band together to make their children as strong as they needed to be so that they could deal with such adversity.

"I don't want to chastise you and I don't want to mother you, but I can't keep my tongue. Not about this." Her voice was soft as she spoke. Asla never wanted to hurt Indigo, but she couldn't in good conscience give a child to someone that couldn't give his full self to her and to them. They both knew that she was brutally honest. Of all the things that she could have said, she'd been rather kind in her words. She had to express her concerns. Holding things back wasn't something that she wanted to do ever again.

Asla shifted, kissing the man's purple bearded chin. "Just be with me, okay? A true partnership." Small paws stroked his cheeks as her gaze searched his own. "I'll protect you always, but you have to protect me too, and our children." The tawny fae drew her paw back and punched Indigo lightly in the shoulder. "And you have to protect yourself. You're so, so important to me you giant oaf." There was humor in the woman's voice, but sincerity as well. She wanted him to be well and whole more than anything.

"Asla" -- "Indy"

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