
The Worst Is Over




4 Years
Chrono I

05-31-2022, 07:54 PM
It had been shortly after her time with Erys and she was able to learn and explore more of her true feelings in those moments with him and the days following. Reila had known for a long time what she wanted to do with Chimera. Her feelings were a little more open and clear, but honestly she didn’t know what would happen until it did. In the safety and protection of Erys, she knew her sexual desires were not false. She wouldn't choke up and panic even as much as she wanted it. But there really was a part of her that was scared of rejection or Chimera not feeling the same way about her. Almost like she wasn’t good enough. Not giving her time within the pack would have been okay with her but... what if he never wanted to go out with her again? Pleasures or not? What if he hated sex with her? Or what if he told her no to her advances again? It was really taxing on her as much as it shouldn’t have been. She was confident in her physical abilities but with Chimera, just thinking about it, she really didn’t want to screw anything up. It was a big step to take no matter how close she felt to him.

She had spent the day before packing up one of the carts with supplies, pelts, wood, meats. She saved today just to put her own gifted skin from Chimera in with the rest of the things before tarping it over. And she’d finally go to hunt him down. She'd find him just after a patrol, the dogs helped of course. And when she finally met with him she had that usual welcoming grin on her maw. With gentle steps ahead she was confident in asking, "Are you going to be strapped for time or do you want to join me for a little break?" They had talked about breaks before, maybe a little jokingly. A little jokingly now too. Reila did want to be alluring to him but she wasn't acting any differently than she would on any other day. However, usually they were going out of the pack together for hunting trips or to gather resources. This would be the first time she was inviting Chimera out just for a quick mini vacation for the night or so. She obviously had more on her mind than just a good nights rest away from the kids and the pack responsibilities. She wanted it all to happen naturally though. Only when he agreed would she take him to the already prepared cart and then lead him out towards the falls where the night would start to surround them.
