
undo what hurts so bad



Master Fighter (340)

Master Hunter (330)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

5 Years
Extra large

OverachieverSamhain 2022Double MasterThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
05-27-2022, 09:56 PM

Honestly, the girl was hardly a shining star to take home with him.  The idea had started as a good deed, saving the girl from her own ineptitude.  It had become a matter of selfishness and pride when this Valhallan stepped in to act as if he could decide what Kotori would do.  Now Kotori was the villain and cast in a bad light.  Kotori wasn’t a sweet talker and he saw no reason to be but his intentions had been good.  Now he just wanted to have his way.  The desire to coat that fanciful shimmering fur in blood was painting a very real picture in his mind.  

Ardyn had moved to stand beside the cream and brown wolf that clearly didn’t want Kotori’s help.  Ardyn’s words were like raw sandpaper on a wound and Kotori’s eyes flashed clear hate, ears flattening and distaste.  So this Adravendi was the current king of his pack?  He was going to make this official pack matters?  Logic and emotion were warring within Kotori.  Hadn’t he lost enough already by trying to do the right thing?  This was a minuscule matter but it felt like that little pebble that once loosed would create the rock slide.  

Kotori didn’t rule his pack and despite his pressing, for it dad hadn’t given him his rightfully deserved general status yet.  Hate-filled words were thought up but like a bolt of lightning Kotori’s entire stance changed as a new idea came to mind.  Kotori would get everything he wanted soon enough.  Would he get this trinket today?  Mayor or maybe not, it would be fine.  There were more important matters to focus on but still, there was one more thing he wanted to try.

“Sorry,” Kotori’s words were suddenly formally polite and a friendly smile on his features. “Afraid I’ve just been having a bad day and it rubbed off on me.  No, by pack rank I can’t formally start a match.” Not today at least.  “Look, my home is closer.  She’s scared of me now but she’d see it safe soon enough.  She’s clearly weak.  Let me take her for those reasons.  Or, set rank aside for a moment and fight me for her just as two wolves with both good intent.  If not,” Kotori shrugged, “then hey, nothing else I can do.”

Kotori’s attention stayed on Ardyn, ignoring the young woman.  Most likely Kotori wasn’t going to get his fight but he’d give Ardyn a measure of respect if the young King could step off his pedestal and prove himself wolf to wolf.


[Image: HMmbDEu.png]