
Trip And I Fall




4 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teeth
Pride - BisexualMammoth Hunter1KCritical Fail!
05-28-2022, 10:39 AM
The walk out toward the sound was quiet, there was still some tension at least from Relm's point of view. Not as much until Manea started speaking. She couldn't blame Manea for the way she felt, or for what she was saying. Relm knew she wasn't the most comfortable to be around very simply because she wasn't comfortable. It was this way around everyone, but more so Manea. Relm was easily intimidated by her if not spoken. She put Manea above herself for many reasons, but really she was just used to beating herself down.

She didn't respond at first, until Manea asked if she could do something to make this work a little easier. "Time. Er, just keep finding some time with me." Ew that sounded really weird. But really, that's what she needed. She was so close to Alastor because of this image she had for him. Killing Kefka was just this turning point in their relationship before they even had one. It was the way she saw Alastor that made her so attached and comfortable around him. The same went for Kichi. Kichi took her just for how she was. He never judged her once in her youth or in their chance encounters following. Manea was an entirely new relationship under very unique circumstances. It wasn't easy. Unfortunately there weren't anymore psychopathic fathers to kill off or time machines to put Manea back at Dreamer's Col. "It's easier for me not to think... That's what the hunt is for." She kept her eyes completely off of Manea as they walked on because her expressions would have shown her struggling. Struggling in words that was. The way she had met Merrick, and their times together had made it easy for her to be around him. She needed to act around Manea, not think about what to say or wonder how Manea saw her. Focusing on something that wasn't social would help her loosen up a little.
