
Need A Friend Or Something

Avacyn, Saracyn


"The Deviant Prince"


Master Fighter (345)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bodyguard Bodyguard

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

4 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipDouble Master1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
05-28-2022, 02:54 PM (This post was last modified: 06-07-2022, 07:54 PM by Saracyn. Edited 1 time in total.)

Saracyn was... not exactly fond of the new pup in their family per se, but he was not antagonistic towards their new sibling either. He had sneered in disgust when his mother and father had told them they were expecting another litter back when Manea had first gotten pregnant and he had not understood why then, he still did not understand why now. Were he and Avacyn not enough? His parents had their heir, plus him, everything else just seemed so superfluous. What was even the point of having that many kids anyway? The whole notion of parenthood just seemed so gross and demeaning to the adolescent wolf, despite understanding the importance of it in their culture. What was so great about having pups that his parents were so incessant and obsessed with making and birthing more of them?

Today, Saracyn had decided to escape the frigid cold winter to spend some time with his twin sister, who was still recuperating from all of the effort she had put into making the entire festival a grand event for Elysium. Avacyn was working on more of that weird taxidermy stuff that Scylla had begun to introduce her to, and though it did crepe him out some, Saracyn enjoyed spending time with his twin more than he was disturbed by the amalgamation of horrific Frankensteined creatures Scylla concocted. So he became Avacyn's assistant for the day, fetching her the tools she needed as she worked. Mostly he just sat by her side, watching quietly with keen cobalt eyes following her every movement. When Ava leaned into his side, he pressed back against her, offering her the warmth of his body while subtly curling his fluffy tail around her hip. After some time of quiet crafting, the sound of crunching snow outside their den alerted both wolves. Had it been the brief passing of someone walking by, Saracyn would not have paid it any mind. However, as the sound continued on for a few minutes, his brow furrowed with confusion and he turned to peer outside the den entrance. After exchanging a confused look with Avacyn, the Mendacium twins rose to their paws and stepped out into the cold land to investigate further.

What they found just befuddled Saracyn even further. Fiametta was out in the snow alone, her tiny red-furred form messing about in the freshly fallen snow, standing out in stark contrast like a fresh blood spatter on the pristine white canvas. Sara raised a brow and followed beside Ava while she asked their little sister what she was up to. He would also like to know the answer to that question, but he did not feel the need to vocalize it to the toddler like she had. How was one even supposed to interact with a pup anyway? Had Avacyn not given him the signal to join them, he likely would have just rolled his eyes and gone back inside, but now that she'd invited him to come play too, he either had to begrudgingly accept or look like the rude jerk by ignoring his baby sister. With a sigh that formed into a humid cloud of breath in the cold air, Saracyn trudged through the snow over to the opposite side of Fia, flopping down on his haunches and using his large white paws to begin gathering up some snow into a pile as well, wondering just what Fia was creating and how the hell he was supposed to help.

WC: 581
Total: 1541 / 1500

"Saracyn Mendacium"

Warning: Saracyn is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
Saracyn's designated wolf to protect as a Bodyguard is Avacyn. She may enter his threads not marked as Private.
