
Chase The Bears Away

Morendo Predator Fight



Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Intellectual (75)

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - Gay
05-28-2022, 06:38 PM

Morendo dodged out of the way of the bear's big jaws, its teeth snapping closed just shy of his shoulder and just splattering him with some of its slobber, making him grimace with a face that silently said "eww". He didn't have to dodge very far though because Athena bit at it again, this time by the throat, making the hurt, angry bear even more hurt and angry. There was an awful lot of its blood on the beach now though and it was in much worse shape than either of them were in as they got to what he figured was probably the end of the fight. At this point he almost felt bad thinking about just chasing it away or letting it go. Two of its legs were really badly hurt now and it had a bite on its throat to boot. In his mind it seemed way nicer to just kill it and put it out of its misery.

With that min mind, while its attention was focused on Athena, Morendo darted fast up along side of it and then reared up to latch onto its throat where Athena had already broken the skin, biting in deep and thrashing his head before the injured bear could react. He could feel something in its throat rip and pop under his teeth before he let go and when he let go and staggered back a few steps he noticed there was way more blood pouring from the wound now. The bear's breathing got to be hard and struggling as he backed up a couple of wobbly steps before it collapsed and fell over, gasping for a couple of moments before it seemed to finally succomb to its wounds. Morendo licked his lips and stepped over to the near by waves to wash the blood off of his muzzle and chest—and the gross slobber from his shoulder.

"Morendo Klien"