
Repeat After Me



The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
05-28-2022, 07:03 PM
Tamsyn grinned and giggled at her daughter's enthusiasm as Juniper declared that she was ready to learn all of it while her butt excitedly wiggled in the air. She gave a little shake of her head, the pair of feathers tied behind her ear swaying with the motion. "One thing at a time, my darling. You have to learn and practice all of the pieces so you can put them together just right at the end." She stepped over to where Juniper was standing, reaching over and giving her hip a playful tap, reminding her, "First things first you need to get into a proper fighting stance before we can do anything else. Do you remember what I taught you?" She waited for Juniper to demonstrate and show what she had learned so far, smiling as she reached around to each of her tiny paws, making sure they were placed firmly and weren't easily shaken.

"Good job, little warrior. Now... Lets talk about dodging." For someone as small as her, Tamsyn knew that dodges were going to be crucial for her to get right early on. Being light on her feet and not getting caught up under her opponent was something that Sirius taught her very early in her training and that was going to be even more true for Juniper and Sierra. She stood opposite of her daughter, settling into her own familiar fighting stance so she could demonstrate. "Your biggest strength in your fighting is going to be how fast you are. You'll be able to dodge out of the way and zip around your opponents before they even realize it! Follow me, okay? You want to jump one way and then the other, but always land back in your defensive stance." Tamsyn demonstrated, hopping from one side to the other, pretending she was dodging some oncoming attacks so Juniper could see it being done.

Tamsyn Carpathius of the Valley