
Mists [Tel]



Expert Fighter (160)

Expert Intellectual (140)

5 Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

By the skin of my teethPride - Demisexual1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
05-28-2022, 08:19 PM

You couldn't kill me if you tried

The tiger was tiring. This was good. Two against one couldn't have been an easy on it, nor anyone for that matter. As she prepared to dive in for another attack, Ardyn had managed to give it a well timed strike, and before she knew it, the beasts throat was cut open and blood sprayed everywhere. She involuntarily winced at the violence of it. Though it was mostly since she hadn't quite seen something like that yet, and part of her felt bad that an apex predator had been taken down so brutally. With prey animals, it was different. But another predator like this was a different scene.

The tiger gurgled and stumbled, its cries muffled by the sound of blood as it struggled to stay on its feet and draw breath. With that much irrepairable damage, it only took a few moments before its body hit the ground as it convulsed. Its legs scrabbled at the ground as the light faded from its eyes, and within a few more heartbeats, it lie still. She wasn't opposed to fighting nor was she against necessary violence...after all, they were protecting their borders from a trespasser. Taking the life of the tiger was necessary. But what if it came down to taking the life of one of their own kind if they absolutely had to? She supposed she'd leave that thought for another day. And hoped that it would never come down to it.

Adrenaline still pumped through her system, though she knew it would fade soon enough. "That was intense...sorry for making you do most of the work," Her ears flattened as a sheepish grin showed. She had been caught off guard for the most part, and she hadn't really fought a beast quite like that, so her nerves had gotten in the way. But she knew that in the future, she couldn't falter like that else someone could get seriously injured, or worse.
