
Taste Of Her Cherry Chap Stick



"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
05-29-2022, 01:00 AM

The anticipation of hearing those first impassioned and lustful cries from Duchess had been a wonderfully agonizing game of patience, but soon enough Alastor was rewarded with the sounds he wished to hear. Duchess uttered keening moans into their kiss as he made out with her, his eyes halfway open through heavy lids to keep watching the little fae writhe in pleasure while his wife manhandled her and send her flying into an abyss of carnal pleasure. He caught a glimpse of Duchess' own paw sliding down her taut stomach, following Manea's foreleg until both women's paws had disappeared between her thighs, and Alastor gave a pleased hum when he realized what they were both doing. Duchess was quite the kinky and salacious little succubus it seemed! All the while Manea pleased her, the tiny violet fae made more and more of those delightful sounds, and Alastor was indeed learning that Duchess was not a quiet lover. Good. Alastor liked to witness the ecstasies of his partners, wanted to watch their faces contort as they writhed and roiled through their orgasms with him. Manea's was by far his favorite, but he still had an appreciation for the beauty of a woman so thoroughly out of control—a way he planned on seeing Duchess in soon enough.

Their rhythms continued for a few moments longer, with Alastor exploring Duchess' maw with his tongue while he enjoyed watching Manea drive her wild, exchanging dark lecherous looks with his wife with their plaything between them. He loved watching Manea in action with the lovers they shared, especially when they were other faes. She had such a sultry and dominant way about her as she had her way with their female lovers, it was ludicrously arousing and entertaining to bear witness to. Alastor made a mental note to discuss bringing more temporary lovers into their bed to have their way with them more often, since they both enjoyed it so much and got off on watching the other in their element. All of a sudden though, the dark dire brute felt Duchess' mouth forcibly leave his, leaving him breathing hard and leering in confusion as to why their kissing had been stopped. He received his answer when he saw Manea give him a grin as she manipulated Duchess' body about, settling onto her back with the petite purple woman positioned between her hind legs. Alastor immediately understood, shooting his wife a lecherous grin back with dark fire smoldering in his eyes while he enjoyed the show of Manea pushing Duchess' head down between her thighs in silent command. Gods, he loved seeing Manea in total control and taking what she wanted from their partners!

Alastor gave a deep, husky chuckle when Manea met his ravenous gaze once more with her own lustful aqua eyes and nodded back to her. Oh, he would take what he wanted from her—but first he wanted to enjoy the show. Alastor gave a rumbling growl of lewd appreciation while he watched Manea direct Duchess and Duchess give Manea exactly what she wanted, wanting to see his wife in the throes of pleasure with another woman she was controlling before he jumped back in. After he had gotten his fill of sapphic entertainment from the ladies, the demon wolf came up behind Duchess and made his move, going to push her tail out of his way and hold it pinned to one shapely hip with a massive forepaw. From there, Alastor went to hook his other paw around one of Duchess' hipbones, holding her steady as he mounted her and pulled her rump back into his pelvis. A deep groan escaped him when the soft fur of her rump brushed his arousal, shifting to align himself with her and holding tight to the tiny woman while he sank deep within her. Primal growls of carnal pleasure slipped from the man, his paws flexing to dig sharp siam claws into Duchess' skin to secure his hold on her and keep her from squirming too much while he and Manea had their way with her.

Once he was within her snug body, Alastor began to take her in earnest, using her body for his own pleasure with rough, hard thrusts of his hips that would have sent the little thing swinging back and forth were he not holding her so securely. The lusty grin on his face widened, black eyes glazing over with pure pleasure as he gazed down at the sight of Manea continuing to use Duchess for her own pleasure. He locked gazed with his wife, drinking in the erotic sight of her with another woman, and then brought one of his massive paws sliding down Duchess' back until it was pressed to the back of her head, almost holding paws with Manea over the fae's skull. With a bit of a wicked grin, Alastor pressed Duchess' head down firmer between Manea's legs, both dire wolves now working Duchess over as they pleased while Alastor also worked to make sure she was pleasing his wife as much as she deserved to be pleased. The brute rolled his hips into Duch's, his eyes never leaving the two faes as he enjoyed his own personal show while using the tiny woman like his own personal toy.


Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.
