
A talk.

Bronze i


12 Years
10-05-2013, 06:24 PM (This post was last modified: 10-05-2013, 06:28 PM by Bronze i.)

He had noticed that Mercury was not content with the newly-implemented mentoring program -- he had been assigned to a mysterious dark-furred woman, and he had protested almost immediately. Bronze's first instinct had been to laugh, as he was amused at how similar the boy was to himself -- he was beginning to seem a bit stubborn, a trait he had most certainly inherited from himself. But he was loyal to his family, perhaps to a fault, where he seemed to value only his parents' knowledge above all others. It was endearing, but also a but frustrating; the younger members would be able to help their children as well, and the point of the program was to get the children to meet new wolves -- to learn to socialize, as well as learn valuable life skills.

So as the meeting cleared, Bronze would nudge Mercury, guiding his boy away from the gathering. "Let us walk, son," he suggested, though his tone was firmly commanding. There were so many things he wanted to teach his children before his passing, and yet he didn't want to taint the innocent image they seemed to still have of the world. It was a hard to find the fine line between the harsh reality of existence and whatever safety and comfort Seracia offered them. "Tell me -- why are you upset?" His gaze focused on the boy, before drifting to the rest of his family, who wandered off into the distance. He didn't know how Jendai felt about training with Themisto, but he seemed decent enough; and Ara had actually requested to be mentored by Ara. And Faolan would be trained by Kamala, the King's sister -- he was not worried about any of them. Except Mercury. For now they would walk together and have a father-son talk that was much needed, in his eyes.