
The Worst Outcome

Ezra ♡


The Hallows
Expert Physician

Master Healer (240)

Expert Navigator (140)

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11KPride - Bisexual
05-30-2022, 12:08 AM

It took him a few moments for slow comprehension to creep across his expression, just as Syanna expected it too. What hurt the most though was that she could pinpoint the exact instant he realized what she was telling him. That look of shocked and pained understanding thinly masking his rage would forever be seared in her brain as the moment she broke his heart and ruined his life. He didn't deserve to deal with this. This was her cross to bear. Gods, she should have just left when she had the chance... or better yet, why hadn't that bastard just killed her when he was done with her and spared them all this suffering? Syanna cringed a bit when she saw Ezra gritting his serrated fangs together; she wasn't afraid of him or feared that he'd hurt her, but she had never seen him in such a degree of fury before. Gradually he began to calm down, simmering back down to a state where he could speak calmly, and when he could he used that to try and comfort and reassure her. Gods damn, she did not deserve this sweet wolf...

Syanna put up no resistance when Ezra rolled her over in his arms so they were facing each other, the vixen-like fae's paws clutched over her belly while she tried to find some sort of escape from this hellish nightmare. All the while Ezra kept trying to soothe and comfort her with reassuring words, kissing across her face and wiping away her tears. He assured her that they were going to figure it out, but little did he know, she already had. As far as Syanna could see, she had two choices—neither of them were good. As if reading her mind, Ezra asked with some trepidation if there were any herbs that could help her. Syanna sniffled a bit and swallowed hard, giving a tiny nod of her head before peering up into his sky blue eyes. "There are... Herbs are more effective at preventing pregnancy from happening at all, but there is a combination of plants that can... terminate a pregnancy," she explained, her words measured and chosen carefully, as the next part would reveal why. "...But it's risky. It's such a volatile combination that it not only destroys the fetuses, but it can also wreck a fae's womb, sometimes beyond recovery. The faes I've seen take it... some were never able to bear children again."

A shaky breath in and shuddering sigh left the vulpine woman, her paws tightening around her slim midsection that would eventually begin to swell with pups she never wanted. Pups that she'd be forced to birth, care for, and raise. Pups Ezra would be saddled with if he chose to remain with her. Constant little reminders of the horrors she'd endured. But the risk that came with terminating them was a high cost to pay. She could lose her ability to bear children. She would never have pups with Ezra and his bloodline would die with him. Was that worth throwing away? Was it worth carrying her rapist's children just to ensure she could have a future family with Ezra? Syanna just didn't know what to do, and it wasn't a decision she could make on her own. "What do we do, Ezra?" she asked, her voice strained and pleading. She just felt lost, trapped in a lose-lose situation she had no control over. Emerald eyes searched his face for some sort of answer. What would he want her to do?

"Syanna & Ezra"

As her mate, Ezra may enter her threads not marked as Private.