
A talk.

Mercury I


4 Years
10-05-2013, 06:49 PM

As the realization that he would not be studying under his father hit him he realized how upset he had become. Never in his life had something gone not the way he wished, so the disappointment was rather unnerving. He didn't know how to come with being so out of touch with. How could they just let him be mentored by someone he didn't even know? How could he be sure that she could even teach him as well as his father? No one could teach him as well as Bronze could.
He could feel the gentle nudge of his father as the meeting drew to a close, the boy's disappointment rather evident as he had not tried to hide any emotion. He didn't know that he might cause his assigned mentor any kind of distress, he was just focused on how unhappy he was. "Let us walk, son, Tell me -- why are you upset?" His suggestion didn't seem like something he'd be able to argue with, not that he wanted to. He loved his father and any time he was able to spend with him was quite alright. Even better that he had initiated and wanted to walk with the boy. The question unsettled him though, and he was unsure how to respond. He knew he was supposed to listen to the king, but in this instance he did not want to. Okay dad. He would responding to the question of taking a walk, uncertainty apparent as he tried to form distinguishable words. I.. I don't want her to teach me. I want you to be my... mentor. He would confess as their bodies moved away from the meeting place, their eyes finding each other.
