
slap a band-aid on it




Master Fighter (245)

Advanced Hunter (103)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
05-30-2022, 05:05 PM (This post was last modified: 05-30-2022, 05:12 PM by Usagi. Edited 1 time in total.)

Tenshi. The name was a familiar note on the tongue, of Japanese origin. The woman herself to whom the name belonged was of tall stature, looming over him with power brimming in her frame. Her golden-grey pelt, cracked like golden marble on a statue, shattered in meticulous flecks. Her horns piqued some interest, though the emotionless, stern male did not show it on his own features. They were certainly different in comparison to Hattori’s, as with the rest of her appearance. She wasn’t quite koi-patterned, but speaking in Japanese just as he had, and so fluently, showed she was of some descent not completely deviated from his own. Still, she was different. He couldn’t quite put his paw in where she could’ve originated from in particular, though.

Nevermind that, though - Usagi didn’t really bother getting to know his packmates, aside from those he was close too, all that much. As she introduced herself, carrying with her a variety of materials he could only surmise to be herbs of some kind, he spoke to her in the native tongue as well. "Usagi," He said simply. About as brief and blunt as the woman’s own intro. Shifting uncomfortably from the exertion of keeping his broken ankle off the ground, he responded to her question, "A fight. Some trespassers needed to be taught a lesson." He considered cutting it off after ‘fight’, but he supposed the explanation wouldn’t hurt. A fight could’ve meant anything really - even a foolish spat. But the woman could take his response any way she wished, and he couldn’t much care for how others perceived him except if they believed he was a fool. A fool, he most certainly was not. He wasn’t arrogant in the least, but the wound was some semblance of what he had given in order to protect the pack - and his brother as well, if you wanted to expand the meaning of protection.

As Tenshi prepared and pushed two bowls towards him, she motioned and then commanded him to drink the watery-looking stuff. His temper need not flare - he knew when to follow orders, even if she spoke to him like a mother scolding a child. Reaching down to consume the wintergreedn and meadowsweet liquid, he flicked his gaze towards her a s she moved to his side, towards his ankle. She asked to touch his ankle, to which he reponded, "Yes." After all, it was what he was here for, was it not? Though her asking for his consent to examine him was appreciated it. He absolutely abhored being touched without warning. He gingerly lifted his ankle towards her to allow her a better look, his jaw tensing to conceal a pained wince. He wasn’t even being dramatic, either - the swollen bulb of his foot was nearly shattered on the inside.

”Speech”  ’Thought’

wishing there was something left to lose
this could be the day i die for you—